Page:History of Greece Vol III.djvu/211

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.EOL1C GKEEKJJ WEAR MOUNT IDA. 195 But besides these islands, and the strip of the continent between Kyme and Pitane (which constituted the territory proper]/ called yEolis), there were many other JEolic establishments in the region near Mount Ida, the Troad, and the Plellespont, and even in European Thrace. All these establishments seem to have ema- nated from Lesbos, Kyme, and Tenedos, but at what time they were formed we have no information. Thirty different towns are said to have been established by these cities, 1 and nearly all the region of Mount Ida (meaning by that term the territory west of a line drawn from the town of Adramyttion northward to Priapos on the Propontis) came to be uEolized. A new ^Eolis 2 was thus formed, quite distinct from the ^iEolis near the Elaeitic gulf, and severed from it partly by the territory of Atarneus, partly by the portion of Mysia and Lydia, between Atarneus and Adramyttium, including the fertile plain of Thebe : a portion of the lands on this coast seem indeed to have been occupied by Lesbos, but the far larger part of it was never ^olic. Nor was Ephorus accurate when he talked of the whole territory between Kyme and Abydos as known under the name of JEolis. 3 The inhabitants of Tenedos possessed themselves of the strip of the Troad opposite to their island, northward of Cape Lekton, those of Lesbos founded Assus, Gargara, Lamponia, Antan- drus, 4 etc., between Lekton and the north-eastern corner of the Adramyttian gulf, while the Kymaeans seem to have established themselves at Kebren and other places in the inland Idrean dis- 1 Strabo, xiii, pp. 621, 622. Meyiorov Je ean TUV AioAiKuv nal upiarri Ki'/z;. 1 , art cxetibv ftijTpo-oAtc av-fj re nai rj eaj3of ruv u/.7.uv TTO?.UV rpiu- KOVTU TTOJ rbv upi&pbv, etc. 2 Xenophon, Hcllen. iii, 1, 10. pexP 1 ~>7f $apva(3uov Aiofadof rj AloXtf ai'TTf J/f [ilv $apva[3aov. Xenophon includes the -whole of the Troad under the denomination of yEolis. Skylax distinguishes the Troad from JEolis : he designates as the Troad the coast towns from Dardanns seemingly down to Lekton : under JEolis he includes Kebren, Skepsis, Keandreia, and Pityeia, though how these four towns are to be called t~i &a?.uccrri it is not ctsy to see (Skylax. 94-95). Nor does Skylax notice cither the Pensa of Ter.cdos, or Assos and Gargara. 3 Strabo, xiii, p. 583. 4 Thucyd. iv, 52 ; Tiii, 108 ; Strabo, xiii, p. 610 ; Stephan. Byz. *A<T<TOC Patisan. vi, 4, 5.