Page:History of Greece Vol III.djvu/212

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196 HISTORY OF GREECE. trict. 1 As far as we can make out, this north-western corner (west of a line drawn from Smyrna to the eastern corner of the Propontis) seems to have been occupied, anterior to the Hellenic settlements, by Mysians and Teukrians, who are mentioned together, in such manner as to show that there was no great ethni- cal difference between them. 3 The elegiac poet Kallinus, in the middle of the seventh century B. c., was the first who mentioned the Teukrians : he treated them as emigrants from Krete, though other authors represented them as indigenous, or as having come from Attica : however the fact may stand as to their origin, we may gather that, in the time of Kallinus, they were still the great occupants of the Troad. 3 Gradually, the south and west coasts, as well as the interior of this region, became penetrated by suc- cessive colonies of JEolic Greeks, to whom the iron and ship timber of Mount Ida were valuable acquisitions ; and thus the small Teukrian townships (for there were no considerable cities) became -3olized ; while on the coast northward of Ida, along the Helles- pont and Propontis, Ionic establishments were formed from Miletus and Phokaea, and Milesian colonists were received into the inland town of Skepsis.4 In the time of Kallinus, the Teukrians seem to have been in possession of Hamaxitus and Kolonoe, with the worship of the Sminthian Apollo, in the south-western region of the Troad : a century and a half afterwards, at the time of the Ionic revolt, Herodotus notices the inhabitants of Gergis, occu- pying a portion of the northern region of Ida in the line eastward from Dardanus and Ophrynion, as " the remnant of the ancient Teukrians." 5 We also find the Mityleneans and Athenians con- 1 Eseudo-Herod. Vit. Horn. c. 20 :

  • Sri<~ Iv K0pv<j>f/Gi irohuirTiixov }jve{i.6ea0T]<;,

"Ev&a aldrjpof *A.pi}Of tinx'&ovioicri fiporoiat 'Ecrcrerat, eir' uv fiiv Ke(3pjjvi.oi uvdpsf e^wcrt. Tti c5e Kepprjvea TOVTOV rbv xpovov KTI&IV TtapeaKevii&vTo oi Kvualot irpd( Ty '!<%, nal yiverai avTodi aidrjpof.

  • Herodot. vii, 20.

3 Kallinus ap. Strabo, xiii, p. 604: compare p. 613, ov? r prof Trope- Ji>K Ka/l/Uvof, etc. 4 Strabo, xiii, pp. 607-635. Herodot. v, 122, eZXe pev loheaf iruvTCtf, oaot, TIJV 'I/UacJa veuovrai, el fa ie Tfpyidat, Tovf vKoheifyftivTas TUV upxaiuv TevKpuv, etc.