Page:History of Greece Vol IV.djvu/10

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CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXVII. KYBENE. BARKA. HESPERIDES. First voyages of the Greeks to Libya. Foundation of Kyrene. Founded by Battus from the island of Thera. Colony first settled in the island of Platea afterwards removed to Kyrene. Situation of Kyrenc. .Fertility, produce, and prosperity. Libyan tribes near Kyrene. Ex- tensive dominion of Kyrene and Barka over the Libyans. Connection of the Greek colonies with the Nomads of Libya. Manners of the Libyaa Nomads. Mixture of Greeks and Libyan inhabitants at Kyrene. Dyn- asty of Battus, Arkesilaus, Battus the Second, at Kyrenfi fresh colonists from Greece. Disputes with the native Libyans. Arkesilaus the Sec- ond, prince of Kyrene misfortunes of the city foundation of Barka. Battus the Third, a lame man reform by Demonax, who takes away the supreme power from the Battiads. New emigration restoration of the Battiad Arkesilaus the Third. Oracle limiting the duration of the Battiad dynasty Violences at Kyrene under Arkesilaus the Third. Arkesilaus sends his submission to Kambyses, king of Persia. Per sian expedition from Egypt against Barka Pheretime, mother of Arkesilaus. Capture of Barka by perfidy cruelty of Pheretime. Battus the Fourth and Arkesilaus the Fourth final extinction of the dynasty about 460-450 B.C. Constitution of Demonax not durable. 29-49 CHAPTER XXVIII. IN-HELLENIC FESTIVALS OLYMPIC, PYTHIAN, NEMEAN, AND ISTHMIAN. V Taut of grouping and unity in the early period of Grecian history. New causes, tending to favor union, begfn after 560 B.C. no general war between 776 and 560 B.C. known to Thucydides. Increasing disposition to religious, intellectual, and social union. Reciprocal admission of cities to the religious festivals of each other. Early splendor of the Ionic festival at Delos its decline. Olympic games their celebrity and long continuance. Their gradual increase new matches intro- duced. Olympic festival the first which passes from a local to a Pan- Hellenic character. Pythian games, or festival. Early state and site of Delphi. Phocian town of Krissa. Kirrha, the seaport of Krissa. Growth of Delphi and Kirrha decline of Krissa. Insolence of the Kirrhaeans punished by the Amphiktyons. First Sacred War, in 595 B.C. Destruction of "Kirrha. Pythian games founded by the Am- phiktyons. Nemean and Isthmian games. Pan-Hellenic character acquired by all the four festivals Olympic, Pythian, Nemean, and Isth- mian. Increased frequentation of the other festivals in most Greek cities. All other Greek cities, except Sparta, encouraged such visits. Effect of tlnse festivals upon the Greek mind 50-73