Page:History of Greece Vol IV.djvu/9

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CONTENTS. VOL. IV. PART II. CONTINUATION OF HISTORICAL GEREC1. CHAPTEE XXV. ILLTRIANS, MACEDONIANS, PJSONJ ANS. Different tribes of Illyrians. Conflicts and contrast of Illyrians vith Greeks. Epidamnus and Apollonia in relation to the Illyrians. Early Macedonians. Their original seats. General view of the coun- try which they occupied eastward of Pindus and Skardus. Distri- bution and tribes of the Macedonians. Macedonians round Edessa the leading portion of the nation. Pierians and Bottiaeans originally placed on the Thermaic gulf, between the Macedonians and the sea. Pseonians. Argeian Greeks who established the dynasty of Edessa Perdikkas. Talents for command manifested by Greek chieftains over barbaric tribes. Aggrandizement of the dynasty of Edessa conquests as far as the Thermaic gulf, as well as over the interior Macedonians. Friendship between king Amyntas and the Peisistratids pages 1-19 CHAPTER XXVI. TIIRACIANS AND GREEK COLONIES IN THRACE, Thracians their numbers and abode. Many distinct tribes, yet little di- versity of character. Their cruelty, rapacity, and military efficiency. Thracian worship and character Asiatic. Early date of the Chalkidic colonies in Thrace. Methone the earliest about 720 B.C. Several other small settlements on the Chalkidic peninsula and its three project- ing headlands. Chalkidic peninsula Mount Athos. Colonies in Pallfrue, or the westernmost of the three headlands. In Sithonia, or the middle headland. In the headland of Athos Akanthus, Stageira, etc. Greek settlements east of the Strymon in Thrace. Island of Thasus. Thracian Chersonesus. Perinthus, Selymbria, and Byzan- tium. Grecian settlements on the Euxine, south of the Danube. Lemnos and Imbros 20-28