Page:History of Greece Vol VII.djvu/17

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CONTENTS. xi Condition of the Great Harbor sympathizing population sui rounding it. Attempt of the Athenian fleet to break out battle in the Great Harbor. Long-continued and desperate struggle intense emotion total defeat of the Athenians. Military operations of ancient times strong emotions which accompanied them. Causes of the defeat of the Athenians. Feelings of the victors and vanquished after the battle. Resolution of Demosthenes and Nikias to make a second attempt the armament are too much discouraged to obey. The Athenians determine to retreat by land they postpone their retreat, under false communica- tions from Syracuse. The Syracusans block up the roads, to intercept ther retreat. Retreat of the Athenians miserable condition of the army. Wretchedness arising from abandoning the sick and wounded Attempt of the generals to maintain some order energy of Nikias. Exhortations of Nikias to the suffering army. Commencement of the retreat harassed and impeded by the Syracusans. Continued con- flict no progress made by the retreating army. Violent storm effect produced on both parties change of feeling in the last two years. Night march of the Athenians, in an altered direction, towards the southern sea. Separation of the two divisions under Nikias and De- mosthenes. The first division under Nikias gets across the river Erineus. The rear division under Demosthenes is pursued, overtaken, and forced to surrender. Gylippus overtakes and attacks the division of Nikias. Nikias gets to the river Asinarus intolerable thirst and suffering of the soldiers he and his division become prisoners. Total numbers cap- tured. Hard treatment and sufferings of the Athenian prisoners at Syracuse. Treatment of Nikias and Demosthenes difference of opinion among the conquerors. Influence of the Corinthians efforts of Gylippus both the generals arc slain. Disgrace of Nikias after his death, at Athens continued respect for the memory of Demosthenes. Opinion of Thucydides about Nikias. How far that opinion is just. Opinion of the Athenians about Nikias their steady over-confidence and over-esteem for him, arising from his respectable and religious char acter. Over-confidence in Nikias was the greatest personal mistake which the Athenian public ever committed , .. .287-352 CHAPTER LXI. FROM THE DESTRUCTION OF TUB ATHENIAN ARMAMENT IN SICILY, DOWN TO THE OLIGARCHICAL CONSPIRACY OF THE FOUR HUNDRED AT ATHENS. Consequences of the ruin of the Athenian armament in Sicily. Occupn- tion of Dekeleia by the Lacedaemonians its ruinous effects upon Ath- ens. Athens becomes a military post heavy duty in arms imposed upon the citizens. Financial pressure. Athens dismisses her Thracian mercenaries massacre at Mykalessus. The Thracians driven back with slaughter by the Thebans. Athenian station at Naupaktus decline of the naval superiority of Athens. Naval battle near Naupaktus inde- cisive result. Last news of the Athenians from Syracuse ruin of tho army there not officially made known to them. Reluctance of the Athe- nians to believe the hill truth. Terror and affliction at Athens.

Energetic resolutions adopted by the Athenians Board of Probuli.