Page:History of Greece Vol VII.djvu/18

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il CONTENTS. Prodigious effect of the catastrophe upon all Greeks enemies and allies of Athens as well as neutrals and even on the Persians. Motions of king Agis. The Eubocans apply to Agis for aid in revolting from Athens the Lesbians also apply, and are preferred. The Chians, with the same view, make application to Sparta. Envoys from Tissa- phernes and Pharnabazus come to Sparta at the same time. Alkibiades at Sparta his recommendations determine the Lacedemonians to send aid to Chios. Synod of the Peloponnesian allies at Corinth measures resolved. Isthmian festival scruples of the Corinthians delny about Chios suspicions of Athens. Peloponnesian fleet from Corinth to Chios it is defeated by the Athenians. Small squadron starts from Sparta under Chalkidens and Alkibiades, to go to Chios. Energetic- ad vice of Alkibiades his great usefulness to Sparta. Arrival of Alki- biades at Chios revolt of the island from Athens. General popula tion of Chios was disinclined to revolt from Athens. Dismay occasion ed at Athens by the revolt of Chios the Athenians set free and appro- priate their reserved fund. Athenian force despatched to Chios under Strombichides. Activity of the Chians in promoting revolt among tho other Athenian allies Alkibiades determines Miletus to revolt. First alliance between the Peloponnesians and Tissaphernes, concluded by Chalkideus at Miletus. Dishonorable and disadvantageous conditions of the treaty. Energetic efforts of Athens democratical revolution at Samos. Peloponnesian fleet at Kenchreae Astyoehus is sent as Spar- tan admi al to Ionia. Expedition of the Chians against Lesbos. 111 success of the Chians Lesbos is maintained by the Athenians. Har- assing operations of the Athenians against Chios. Hardships suffered by the Chians prosperity of the island up to this time. 5'rcsh forces from Athens victory of the Athenians near Miletus. Fresh Pelopon- nesian forces arrive the Athenians retire, pursuant to the strong recom- mendation of Phrynichus. Capture of lasus by the Peloponnesians rich plunder Amorges made prisoner. Tissaphernes begins to furnish pay to the Peloponnesian fleet. He reduces the rate of pay for the future. Powerful Athenian fleet at Samos unexpected renovation of the navy of Athens. Astyoehus at Chios and on the opposite coast. Pedaritus, Lacedaemonian governor at Chios disagreement between him and Astyoehus. Astyoehus abandons Chios and returns to Miletus accident whereby he escaped the Athenian fleet. The Athenians establish a fortified post in Chios, to ravage the island. Doricus arrives on the Asiatic coast with a squadron from Thurii, to join Astyoehus mari- time contests near Knidus. Second Peloponnesian treaty with Tissa- phernes, concluded by Astyoehus and Theramenes. Comparison of tha second treaty with the first. Arrival of a fresh Peloponnesian squad- ron under Antisthenes at Kaunus Lichas comes out as Spartan com- missioner. Astyoehus goes with the fleet from Miletus to join the newly- arrived squadron he defeats the Athenian squadron under Charminus. Peloponnesian fleet at Knidus double dealing of TissaphernSs breach between him and Lichas. Peloponnesian fleet masters Ehodes, and establishes itself in that island. Long inaction of the fleet at Khodes paralyzing intrigues of Tissaphernes corruption cf the Laccdssmonian

oftcer?.. . 353-402