Page:History of Greece Vol VIII.djvu/13

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CONTENTS Tii enlarged into universal citizenship. Restoration ol the complete democ- racy, all except pay. Psephism of Demophantus democratical oath prescribed. Flight of most of the leaders of the Four Hundred to Deke- Jeia. Theramenes stands forward to accuse the remaining leaders of the Four Hundred, especially in reference to the fort at Ectioneia, and the embassy to Sparta. Aiitiphon tried, condemned, and executed. Treat- ment of the Four Hundred generally. Favorable judgment of Thncy didcs on the conduct of the Athenians. Oligarchy at Athens, democracy at Samos contrast 1-93 CHAPTER LXIII. THE RESTORED ATHENIAN DEMOCRACY, AFTER THE DEPOSITION OF TMK FOUR HUNDRED, DOWN TO THE ARRIVAL OF CYRUS THE YOUNGER IN ASIA 31 IX OK. Embarrassed state of Athens after the Four Hundred. Peloponnesian fleet revolt of Abydos from Athens. Strombichides goes from Chios to the Hellespont improved condition of the Chians. Discontent in the Peloponnesian fleet at Miletus. Strombichides returns from Chios to Samos. Peloponnesian squadron and force at the Hellespont revolt of Byzantium from Athens. Discontent and meeting against Astrochus at Miletus. The Spartan commissioner Lichas enjoins the Milesians to obey Tissaphernes discontent of the Milesians. Mindarus supersedes Astyochus as admiral. Phenician fleet at Aspendus du- plicity of Tissaphernes. Alkibiades at Aspendus his double game between Tissaphernes and the Athenians. Phenicians sent back from Aspendus without action motives of Tissaphernes. Mindarus leaves Miletus with his fleet goes to Chios Thrasyllus and the Athenian fleet at Lesbos. Mindarus eludes Thrasyllus, and reaches the Hellespont. Athenian Hellespontine squadron escapes from Sestos in the night. Thrasyllus and the Athenian fleet at the Hellespont. Battle of Kynos- sema victory of the Athenian fleet. Rejoicing at Athens for the vic- tory. Bridge across the Euripiis, joining Euboea with Boeotia. Revolt of Kyzikus. Zeal of Pharnahazus against Athens importance of Persian money. Tissaphernes again courts the Peloponnesians. Alkibiades returns from Aspendus to Samos. Farther combats at the Hellespont. Theramenes sent out with reinforcements from Athens. Renewed troubles at Korkyra. Alkibiades is seized by Tissaphernes and confined at Sardis. Escape of Alkibiades concentration of the Athenian fleet Mindarus besieges Kyzikus. Battle of Kyzikns victory of the Athenians Mindarus is slain, and the whole Peloponne- sian fleet taken. Discouragement of the Spartans proposition to Athens for peace. The Lacedaemonian Endius at Athens his propo- sitions for peace. Refused by Athens opposition of Kleophon. Grounds of the opposition of Kleophon. Question of policy as it then stood, between war and peace. Strenuous aid of Phamabazus to the Peloponnesians Alkibiades nml the Athenian fleet at the Bosphorus. The Athenians occupy Chry.-opolis. and levy toll on the ships passing through the Bosphorus. The LareduMiioniuns are expelled from Thasus, Klearchus the Lacedaemonian is sent to Byzantium. Thrasyllus sen from Athens to Ionia. Thrasyllus and Alkibiadds at the Hellespont.