Page:History of Greece Vol VIII.djvu/14

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jii CONTENTS. Pylos is retaken by the Lacedaemonians disgrace of the Athenian Anytus for not relieving it. -Capture of Chalkedon by Alkibiades and the Athenians. Convention concluded by the Athenians with Pharna- bazus. Byzantium captured by the Athenians. Pharnabazus conveys some Athenian envoys towards Susa, to make terms with the Great King 93-135 CHAPTER LXIV. FROM THE ARRIVAL OF CTRUS THE YOUNGER IN ASIA MINOR DOWX TO THE BATTLE OF Cyrus the younger effects of his coming down to Asia Minor. Pharna- bazus detains the Athenian envoys.- Lysander Lacedaemonian admiral in Asia. Proceedings of the preceding admiral, Kratesippidas. Lysan- der visits Cyrus at Sardis. His dexterous policy he acquires the peculiar esteem of Cyrus. Abundant pay of the Peloponnesian arma- ment, furnished by Cyrus. Factions organized by Lysander among the Asiatic cities. Proceedings of Alkibiades in Thrace and Asia. His arrival at Athens. Feelings and details connected with his arrival. Unanimous welcome with which he is received. Effect produced upon Alkibiades. Sentiment of the Athenians towards him. Disposition to refrain from dwelling on his previous wrongs, and to give him a new trial. Mistaken confidence and intoxication of Alkibiades. He protects the celebration of the Elensinian mysteries by land, against the garrison of Dekeleia. Fruitless attempt of Agis to surprise Athens. Alkibiades sails with an armament to Asia ill-success at Andros entire failure in respect to hopes from Persia. Lysander at Ephesus his cautious policy, refusing to fight disappointment of Alkibiades. Alkibiades goes to Phokaea, leaving his fleet under the command of Antiochus oppression by Alkibiades at Kyme. Complaints of the Kymaeans at Athens defeat of Antiochus at Notium during the absence of Alkibi- ades. Dissatisfaction and complaint in the armament against Alkibi- ades. Murmur and accusation against him transmitted to Athens. Alteration of sentiment at Athens displeasure of the Athenians against him. Reasonable grounds of such alteration and displeasure. Different behavior towards Nikias and towards Alkibiades. Alkibi- ades is dismissed from his command ten generals named to succeed him he retires to the Chersonese. Konon and his colleagues capture and liberation of the Rhodian Dorieus by the Athenians. Kallikratidas supersedes Lysander his noble character. Murmurs and ill-will against Kallikratidas energy and rectitude whereby he represses them. His spirited behavior in regard to the Persians. His appeal to the Milesians Pan-Hellenic feelings. He fits out a commanding fleet his success at Lesbos he liberates the captives and the Athenian garrison at Methymna. Noble character of this proceeding exalted Pan-Hellenic patriotism of Kallikratidas. He blocks up Konon and the Athenian fleet at Mitylene. Triumphant position of Kallikratidas. Hopeless condition of Konon his stratagem to send news to Athens and entreat relief. Kallikratidas defeats the squadron of Diomedon. Prodigious e Tort of the A thenians to relieve Konon large Athenian fleet equipped and sent to Arginusse Kail*