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He said that if I were not indisposed, I should not need the physician; so, if my soul were not infected with the malady of sin, I should not feel any necessity for a Saviour. "I answered; that it was a deep sense of my sins which made me unhappy, and a consciousness of my weakness which led me to look for support from some other source. He said, if such were my sentiments, the gospel of Jesus Christ was exactly suited to my case; for he came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance: ‘We have all deserted our lawful general and sovereign,’ continued he, ‘and gone over to the army of Sin and Satan; we have loved their service, and have worn their uniform. We deserved the severest vengeance which the King of kings and Lord of lords could inflict; but the Son of our Sovereign, the Captain of salvation, the Prince of peace, while in his Father's court, beheld our deplorable situation, and loved and pitied us. He frequently sent forth messengers, and proclamations of mercy, to invite the rebels to return; but the great majority still preferred the service of the usurper, and rejoiced in the dominion of the prince of darkness. At length, the only begotten Son of God resolved to quit the court of heaven, to take upon him the nature of man, to enter the camp of the enemy, and invite the rebels to return to their legitimate Ruler. He came, not with the sword of justice, or the thunders of vengeance, but with messages of pardon, peace, and happiness. The prince of this world was immediately alarmed; he excited his subjects to reject these offers of mercy: he armed his soldiers, and they seized the Ambassador of heaven-they crucified the Lord of life and glory. We might have supposed that God would instantly punish these rebels with the severest vengeance, and that none who had so offended would ever find mercy; but no: he raised his Son from the grave to sit at his right hand; and now forgiveness, salvation, and eternal happiness are proclaimed to every penitent sinner, through the merits of Jesus Christ. Thousands have accepted these merciful invitations, they have enlisted in the army of the Lord of hosts; they have put on the whole armour of God; they have fought the good fight of faith; they have vanquished their enemies; and now are singing the songs of victory, and praising their glorious leader in heaven. Many Christian warriors are still in the scene of conflict; they feel that the contest is severe, and that their adversary is exceedingly subtle and powerful: know he boldly attacks, then lie conceals himself in ambush-some- times he appears inactive, that we may become unwatchful, at other times his assaults are impetuous, that we may despair. Our enemy is continually endeavouring to seduce us again to his service, and he will surely succeed if we are not careful and dependant on our Captain for assistance. Nor will our contest and danger cease till we have obtained