Page:History of Indian and Eastern Architecture Vol 2.djvu/631

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INDEX. P'ai-lus (continued] Pekin, 462, 473-474 5 At Amoy, 475 ; Japanese, Tori-i, q.v. Paithan, Andhra capital, i. 22 Palaces, ii. 169 ; Allahabad, 298 ; Amber, 177 J Bundi, 173 ; Chitor, 171 ; Chan- dragiri, i. 417; Delhi, ii. 309; Dattiya, 173 ; Dig, 178 ; Gwaliar, 175 ; Lahor, 303 ; Madura, i. 412 ; Pekin, ii. 476, 482; Udaypur, 172; Urcha, 174 Pa-li Chwang pagoda, Pekin, ii. 464, 469 Palitana, the Jaina sacred hill Satrunjaya near, ii. 24, 25-30 Pallava dynasty of Kanchi, i. 305-307, 357 Panataran temples, in Java, ii. 442 ; Serpent temple, 444 Panchalingams, i. 374 note Panchale^vara temple, near Poona, i. 130 Pandavas, the, i. ii, 32 Pandrethan temple, Kashmir, i. 262, 267- 268 Pandu KalluS) menhirs, i. 42 Pandyas of Southern India, i. 31, 303- 304, 308, 385-386 Pantheon, dome of the, i. 313, ii. 273- 274 P&panath temple at Pattadakal, i. 107 note, 321, ii. 117-120 Parikrama Bahu I. , king of Ceylon (1153- 1196 A.D.), i. 224, 228, 235, 244, 245, 247 Parasnath Hill, Bengal, Jaina temples on, ii. 44, 45 Parasur&me.rvar temple, at Bhuvane^var, ii. 96-97, 105,^114-115, 1 1 8, 119, 155 Parihasapur Vihara, Kashmir, i. 263 note, 264-265, 272 note Parinirviina figure of Buddha, at Ajanta, i. 101 ; At Polonnaruwa, 245 P^rjvanath, 23rd Jaina Tirthankara, ii. 5 ; Colossal image at Elura, 21 ; Temple at Khajuraho, 49 Partha, Kashmir king (906-921 A.D.), i. 267 Pzurupatinath temple, near Kathmandii, i. 282, 284 Pataliputra, Maurya capital, i. 19, 64 ; Now Patna, 207 note. Patan, Anhilawida, ii. 230 Patan, Nepal, chaityas at, i. 275, 277 ; Temples of Mahadeva and Krishna at, 283 Pathn style, ii. 196-214 ; Later Pathan, 214-221 Pathans, the, ii. 196, 210 note ; Their architectural glories and career, 197 ; Examples, 202-221. See Delhi Pathari, Rashtrakuta Lat,i. 60 ; Temples, Patothamya, temple, Myingyan district, ii. 354, 356 Pattadakal, temple of Papanath at, i. 321, ii. 117-118, 120; Great Virupdksha temple of, i. 327, 35 2 '355, " i '> Other temples, i. 355, 421 ; Jaina temple, 319, 355-356, ii. 23 Pavilions : Ceylon, i. 240 ; Vijayanagar, 417 ; Belur, 441 ; Halebid, 447 J Guruvayankeri, ii. 79 ; Sarkhej, 235 ; Pekin, 480 Pawapuri, Jaina tirtha in Bihar, i. 130 Payagyi and Payama, pagodas at Prome, ii. 342, 360 Payataung temple, Old Prome, ii. 353 Payer, Kashmiri temple, i. 255, 268 ; View, 269 Pegu (Hans^wati), ii. 358 ; Shwe- Hmaudau pagoda at, 343, 344, 346 Pekin, ii. 451 ; Temple of Confucius at, 456, 474 ; Temple of Great Dragon, 458-460 ; Buddhist monastery at, 461 ; Temples, 463, 481 ; Summer palace, near, 463-464, 480 ; Pagoda at, 471 ; Buddha's halls and Wut'a - Ssu halls, 464 ; Tombs, 467 ; Pa-li Chwang pagoda near, 469, 472 ; Palaces, 476 ; Tzu- chin-cheng or Forbidden city, 476 ; T'ai - ho - t'ien hall, 476-478 ; Winter palace, 482 Pemiongchi, Sikkim, porch of temple at, i. 297 ; view, 296 Pendants to domes, i. 317; In Tejahpala's temple, ii. 42 Pendentive, from mosque at Old Delhi, i. 220-221 ; Bijapur, ii. 274 Persepolitan capitals, i. 138, 178, 215, 300, ii. 18; Architecture, 369-370 Perumal kings of Kerala or Chera, i. 34, 306 Perumal or Vishnu, ii. 359 note ; Perumal temple at Madura, i. 339 Pertir, near Koimbatur, date of porch, ii. 397 ; Compound pillar at, 399 Petleik-paya, pagoda in Burma, ii. 342 Phimeanakas, temple at Angkor Thorn, . 374, 376, 399, 4, 402 Phnom Chisor, Brahmanical temple, Cambodia, ii. 380, 397, 400 Penh, capital of Cambodia, ii. 376 Phra, a stupa, in Siam, ii. 407, 409 Phra-chedi, 407, 408 Phrabat, Buddha's footprint, in Siam, ii. 408 and note Phra Fathom, temple of, ii. 407 ' Pietra dura ' work at Agra, ii. 306 and note ' Pigeon Monastery' of Chinese pilgrims, i. 171, 408-410 Pillars: Ajanta, i. 192, 194, 195 ; Amara- vati, 121 ; Avantipur, 265 ; Baroli, ii. 135 ; Ceylon, i. 235, 236 ; Chandravati,