Page:History of Indian and Eastern Architecture Vol 2.djvu/632

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INDEX. Pillars (continued) ii, 43 ; Delhi, 207; Elephanta, 129; EliM, 126 ; Eran, i. 301 ; Fathpur- Sikri, ii. 294; Hanumkonda, i. 435 and note ; Jajpur, ii. in ; Katak, i. 304 ; Kashmir, 256 ; Madura, 387 ; Mamallapuram, 332 ; Nasik, 185, 1 88; Pervir, 399 ; .Srinagar, 257 ; Tanjor, 366 ; Vellor, 399 Pipra^hwa stupa, i. 79 Pitakat-Taik, or library, Pagan, ii. 356, Pitalkhora Chaitya cave, i. 134, 137-138, 148, 149 ; Sphinx capitals, 169, 250 Polonnaruwa, Ceylon, i. 228, 244 ; Extent and epoch of its temples, 244-245 ; Examples, 245-249 Poona, 5aiva rock-temple near, ii. 130 Porches : AmwS, ii. 56 ; Chidambaram, i. 376 ; Delhi, ii. 67 ; Jaina, i. 317, 318 Potala monastery, LMsa, i. 292 Pradakshina, circumambulate ry passage in a temple, i. 237, 322, 427, ii. 50, 54, 150 Prah-khan temple, Cambodia, ii. 374-375, 379, 397, 400 Prah Vihear, temple of, ii. 380 Prambanan temples, Java, ii. 33, 129, 418-420, 433 Prasat temples of Cambodia, i. 246 Priene capitals, i. 220 Prome, Pyi or Pri, early capital of Burma, ii. 359 Propylons, n. 225-227 Prudung, Java, brick temples at, ii. 442 Pulastipura, old name of Polonnaruwa, i. 244 Pulikejin I. and II., Chalukya kings, i. 421 Puliyan-kulama, ruins of, near Anuradha- pura, i. 229 note Pulumavi, Andhra king, i. 147 Pundarika, Jaina temples of, ii. 28 Purana literature, i. 8 Kila Masjid. Old Delhi, ii. 286 Purt, a shrine, i. 298 Puri, ii. 94-95, 105-106; Plan of Jagan- nath temple at, 108 ; View of tower, no Pyatthat, spire of a Burmese pagoda, ii. 352, 357, 368, 369 QADAM-I-RASUL mosque at Gaur, ii. 256 Qaisar Bagh, Lucknow, ii. 326 Queen's mosque in Mirzapur, Ahmadabad, ii. 232 QutbMinar, Delhi, ii. 198, 199, 205-207 ; Mosque, 68, 198-204, 283 Shahi dynasty, ii. 189; Qutbu-d- Din Ibak, 196, 205 RADHIA or Lauriya-Araraj Lat, i. 57 Raffles, Sir Stamford, governor of Java, 4i5> 419, 422, 438, 439, 442, 445 Rails, Buddhist, i. 55, 102 ; Amaravati, 112, 119-121; Bharaut, 103, 104-109; Bodh-Gaya, 103-104; Kanheri, 163; Mathura, no; Msik, 113; Sanchi, 102, 1 1 1- 1 12, 113 Rajagriha caves, Bihar, i. 129 Rajarani temple, Bhuvanejwar, ii. 95, 99, 103-105 Rajasamudra, band of lake, ii. 183, 184; Kirtti-stambhas on, 137 Rajatarangini, the native history of Kashmir, i. 8, 271 Rama, deified hero, i. 42 ; Ramayana, the exploits of, 10, n Ramanya-de^a, country, ii. 374 note Rame-rvara cave at Eliira, ii. 121, 129 ; ^R^me^vara temple at Gadag, i. 427 note Ramejvaram, great temple of, i. 380; Plan, 381 ; Its dimensions, 382 ; Corridors, 383 ; View of central corridor, 383 ; 384-385, 388, ii. 383 Ramnagar, temple at, i. 254, ii. 155 Ramoche temple at Lhasa, i. 292 Rampurwa Lat, i. 59 Ranaditya, Kashmirian king (dr. 6th cent. A.D.), i. 255, 263 note, 272 note Rangoon, Shwe Dagon at, i. 63, 68, ii. 342, 346-347 ; Pagoda at, 348 Rani-gumpha cave, the, ii. 13 Rani-ka-naur cave, Udayagiri, ii. 8, 12- 15 Ranjit Singh of the Panjab, i. 163 Rankot dagaba, at Polonnaruwa, i. 230 note, 245 Ranpur Jaina temple, ii. 45-48 ; Plan, 45 ; View in, 46 ; 150, 232, 388 Ranpur Jharial, Jogini temple at, ii. 51 Rashtrakftta dynasty and kingdom, i. 27, 303, ii. 22 . Raths at Mamallapuram, i. 172, 217, 327-340 Ratnasingh's palace at Chitorgadh, ii. 170 Ravana-ka-khai Cave at Elvira, ii. 121 Rayana tree, sacred to Adinath, ii. 28, 47 note Red Palace at Lhasa, i. 292 Relic worship, Buddhist : origin of, i. 62, 65, 88; Distribution and depositories of the relics, 63, 64, 68, 73, 105, 230, 238 ; In Tibet, 293 ; Not among Jains, ii. 3 ; Discoveries of, ii. 347 Reservoirs, scope for architectural display in, ii. 183 Rew&, Kirtti-stambha at, ii. 137 RhotSsgarh, ii. 288 note River - goddesses, temple of the, i. 345- 346 Roads and bridges of the Cambodians, ii. 402