Page:History of Iowa From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century Volume 4.djvu/14

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Melvin H. Byers 36
Samuel H. M. Byers 36
Henry C. Caldwell 36
Timothy J. Caldwell 37
Ambrose A. Call 37
Asa C. Call 38
Martha C. Callanan 38
James Callanan 39
Samuel Calvin 39
Edward Campbell 40
Frank T. Campbell 41
Margaret W. Campbell 41
Cyrus C. Carpenter 42
George T. Carpenter 42
William L. Carpenter 43
Phineas M. Casady 44
Carrie L. C. Catt 44
Jonathan W. Cattell 45
John Chambers 45
John W. Chapman 46
William W. Chapman 46
Daniel D. Chase 47
George M. Christian 47
Thomas W. Clagett 48
Charles A. Clark 48
George W. Clark 49
James S. Clark 49
Lincoln Clark 50
Rush Clark 50
Samuel M. Clark 51
Talton E. Clark 51
James Clarke 51
William P. Clarke 52
Coker F. Clarkson 53
James S. Clarkson 54
Richard P. Clarkson 55
David C. Cloud 55
Lorenzo S. Coffin 55
Chester C. Cole 56
Edwin H. Conger 57
John Connell 58
James P. Connor 58
John C. Cook 59
John P. Cook 59
Datus E. Coon 59
George B. Corkhill 60
John M. Corse 60
Aylett R. Cotton 61
Robert G. Cousins 61
John Cownie 62
Phillip M. Crapo 62
Samuel A. Cravath 62
Marcellus M. Crocker 63
Henry J. B. Cummings 64
Albert B. Cummins 64
Charles F. Curtiss 65
George M. Curtis 65
Samuel R. Curtis 66
Marsena E. Cutts 66
Mark A. Dashiell 67
George Davenport 67
Samuel T. Davis 68
Timothy Davis 68
James G. Day 68
Henry Clay Dean 69
Horace E. Deemer 70
Nathaniel C. Deering 70
Orsborn W. Deignan 70
Jesse W. Denison 71
Michael L. Devin 71
William Dewey 72
Peter A. Dey 72
John F. Dillon 73
Jacob W. Dixon 75
John N. Dixon 74
Augustus C. Dodge 75
Grenville M. Dodge 76
William W. Dodge 78
Jonathan P. Dolliver 78
William G. Donnan 79
William G. Dows 79
Francis M. Drake 80
Thomas Drummond 80
John F. Duncombe 81
Warren S. Dungan 81
Clark Dunham 82