Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/100

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Chap, HI. OF -MANCHESTER. 73 Curiof. p. 1 13 and 1794— 7 See b.L ch. xi. f. 2. — » See b. I. ch. xi. £ a,—* Caefar p. 89 and 73— - ,0 The Ricning or Ricnild ftreet, or (as it is more generally written) the Icening or Icenild ftreet, of Derbyihire muft atfb be derived from the fame origin- al. If rightly denominated Icening, it mtift have been fo de- nominated limply as terminating among the Coritanni, and as laid to their country after they were conquered by and received the* appellation of Iceni (fee b. I. ch. v. £4). If rightly called Ricning, as Dr. Stukeley affirms (Itin. Curiof* p. 50), and as* common accuracy requires it to be, it muft have been fo called in all probability as leading to the R- Iceni, the Iceni before* the further or northern Iceni. Thus Caer-nar-von is fo called as being oppofite to -Vbn, -Mon, or Ataglefey. And thus fee Rerigonium and other names in b. I. c. v. f. 1. This road ex- tends from the mouth of the Severn into Derbyfhire (Itin. Cur. p, 51, 58, 64, and 6$), had theBritifh towns Etocet, Bremeniu f Glev, and others, upon it, and was originally conftru&ed (I fiippttfe) by the Belgic cotiquerotirs of the Hsedui, a people which, pofiefled (as I have, {hewed before) all the fouth of Gioucefterfhire and all the north of Somerfetfhire, — ll Iter n of Richard, and. Tacitus Agric. Vit. c. xvii. So Appian way from Appius Clau-> dhis.— ** Tacitus c.xxxt. Agric. Vit. — " Tacitus c. xxxi. Cor- pora ipfa ac manus fylvis ac paludibus emuniendis — conterunt. .» t j i* i. . .« 1 - 1 . IV. .THE county pi JLancafter is interfered from end to end by fowr g?^- Jjo^d&of the Ropiai^s. Two run from eaft, to weft. And two range from north Jq foptji. One of the latter,, the knowledge of which we pwe, T entirely to Richard's Itinerary, enters the county on the north- weft, and traverfes a good part of it, even till it meets with a road which is given to us by An- tqaine and which enters the county on the north-eaft. From the point of coincidence both roads proceed in the fame route, M$uch is given us by both Itineraries, and profqeuted to and L beyond