Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/99

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J* THJE JIJSTOfiy Book I. ceeding fummers of 80, 81, and 8*. And to the profecution of thefe and the more northerly roads efjpecially does Galgacus in ail probability refer, when ifi the ye^r 84 he Ipeaks fo par- ticularly of the ways that were carried on by the Romans ". Every new conqueft indeed of the Romans muft have ftrongly iuggefted the refleftibn ; but the ijeweft piwft have fuggefted it moft ftrongly. And no roads but thefe could have been con* ftru&ed, becaufe no conquefts had been made, during the ten preceding years. The roads then that iffue from Maqeuqium and the other Na- tions in Lancashire were all laid while Agncola was making and Securing his conquefts in the oortfo. Ai*d from that parti* cular, as well as from the abover mentioned ipeegh of Galgacus, it obvioufly appears, that the roads were not carried pn, as is fre- quently imagined, and as the beautify} *f>ads in French Flanders and our own later roads in Scotland W«e, by large detachments of the foldicry. The Romans were *r# rely the dire&ors ; and jhe more laborious employ was impend upon the natives* The Romans, fays Galgacus, afe perpetually exhaufting the 'health of the Britons in the painful efppteyiaent of clearing the woods and of paving die fens of the ifland " : The whole line of the road muft have been previously defigned and the couife of it prefcribed upon paper, after an accurate furvey of the country. And the officers of the neighbouring garriibns muft have infpe&ed the execution by turns. 1 See It in. Cur. p. 72.—* Iter i, Ab eadem civitate (Rhutvpi) <iu&a eft via Gqethelinga di&a ufque in Segontium— fie ; and &> exactly Iter 1 1, Ab Aquis — per viaaa Juliam Menapiam ufque fie : And Bede's Hift. lib. i. c. 7. Verulamjum qu* Verlama^ caeftir five Vaetlinga-caeftir appellator — 3 1 tin. Cur. p. 108,— 4 . Ifeening-ftreet is alio written |ken*ld, as in the laws of the Confcffor or Cppqueror. That termination is either Iken eld* Old Iken ftreet, qf rather the faflae as Ikonin ^nd equally the j4wsl t^njiigfeon qf lken, ** ' §£« Rififear4 Iter 1 1 . . — 6 Itin. 3 Curiof*