Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/123

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9* • T H E HI'S T Oft Y' Tfcx* C liarly ftimulate the ineenious and the fenfible both in and out of the focfcty to' remit their dft^uMittems to It. * Aftd we may therefore very fkfelj affinb, that eadh fitteeeding vokwAe will rife fuperior in fpirrt .fentiment and ufeftilnefe ta the fifrft. Itf this, my learned and worthy friend the rev. Mr. Watfon, now re€bor of Stockport m Ghefhire, .at*d the late Thomas Percival Elq;* of Rytoirnear Manchefler, ' have advanced feveral particu-^ lars relating to the fubjeft of thfe ' ptefenr _fcsftionj which have been too haftlly thkeh up and are generally vmjuft. Thus Mr. Percival in p. 63. and Mr. Watfon in p.'rrft — 220, on fop- pofitions frivolous irf thcmfclves and copfefliordly contrary td„ai-

  • ■ * • * _ * ^ *

thanty, fix the* t?6"uftdari£s of;Maxitt*a and Flavia,. not (as they actually rah) atppg the Humber the'Doh and.the JSlerfey/, But along the^ Humber the hilte'of Caftlefhaw and the Rtfehle* Thus p! zi6 — 21 ^ Mr. Watfon endeavours, as Mr*. Percival had fendeavoiired before in Phil.Tranf. V. XLVJI, to fix the Alunna of _ * • ■ . Ravenhas at Caftlefhaw, principally becaufe it occurs in that ever-defultory ChdrdgrapHy hear to Mantium, the fuppbfe^ ftlanucium of Antonine; when both Richard and Antonine con-. fefledly go over the road on which Ca'ftlefliaw ftands without the Ieaflf mention of Alunna ; when ,the very name implies a &- ,'tuatioa the reverfe of Caftlefhaw, a pofition upon a river, from which' Caftlefhaw is at fame diftance ; and when the Alunna of Ravennas fo obvioufly points at the Ad. Alauaarh, or' Laj> cafter of Richard. And thus p.. 2*5 Mr. Watfon fixes the Campodonum of Bede at Doncafter, tie.caufe Alfred miftakenly tranflates it Donafelda, and becaufe Qampodonum was deftroyed F at the invafion in which Edwin' w£s /killed at Heathfield near Doncafter^ when the names of the totong iti Bedfe muft certainly lie fought in the Itineraries of thfe jRonian^, and Cambodunum is fo obvioufly reflected in Campodontimf ; wheY) Doncafte'r muft neceflarily have been* mentioned by him "under the appellation of Dano Dapnd or Dono Caefty: op of Caftrum ad Darning and is exprefsly mentioned by the Cdntinuator f Nennius under the iimj far title erf Caer Dauri; and when froni.that mention it plainly appears to have not been deftroyed at all m A. D. 63 j;

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