Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/124

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Oap.IV. OF'MANCHESTER. ? 5 II. To fettle the particular petition of Condate hath long embar- railed the antiquarian criticks* Settled originally at Conglctoit becaufe of fome remainifig Jamenefs in the name, that only guide in the infancy of antiquarian learning, it has been lately fixed upon better principles at or near Northwich. .But it was neither at the one nor at the. oth?r. The fite of the ftation is. Sufficiently pointed out by the courfe of the road. And the courfe of the road is Efficiently afcertained by the broken remains of it which fometimes appear, by the direftion of. them where they ceafe, 4md by the fure fignatures of the name of Street where both faiL vs. » • Richard's 6th Iter runs thus, And Antonine s 2d Iter fhus„ From MANCUNIUM From MANTCIUM to FINIBUS MAXIMA

  • ET FLAVIN m.p. 18 . CONDATE 1*

CONDATE 1-8 Deva ' i8f Deva 20, Richard's roth Iter runs thus, And Antonine's 1 oth Iter thus, From MANCUNIUM to From MANCUNIUM to CONDATE . 23 CONDATE 18 Mediolano 18; JVlediolano 18.

The road, to Condyle did net take the direft way from the

.itation to Tbroftle-nefti but made an ample curve on the fouth to reach it. The right line of the road would have carried it from the fouth-weftern angle of the camp acrofs the channel of the Medlock, and in the line of the canal into the road at Corn? - m brooke. But this route of the road was prevented by the .fteepnefs of the bank, by the want of a ford there acrofs the , ' channel,