Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/176

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♦ * * Chap. V. OF MANCHESTER. 1+7 among the Peakrills ; and even the village of Buxton is as po- pularly denominated the Bath among all 'the inferior orders of people in the adjoining counties. The Roman Bath at Buxton was plainly difcernible by its ruins a few years ago, and was contiguous to the ftone-alcove that is now ere&ed over St. Anne's Well. The dimenlions of it were then traceable by the eyes, and the wall of it was covered with a red coat of Roman cement hard as brick and exaftly >e- fembling tile IS . This mud have been fed by the fprings which now feed the great bagnio immediately above, and the over- flowings of which fupply the lefler bagnio for the poor below. Arid this, like the former, muft have been of a blood- warm heat, and muft therefore have been more congenial' to the warmth and more friendly to the health of the human frame, in the general and conftant ufe of it among the Romans, than the boiling waters of the fun at Bath. There appear to have been two nations in Britain diftinguifli- ed by the one denomination of Uiccii, iTices, or Vices. The name of Ic, Uic, or Vic fignifies a brave people ,s . This there- fore was naturally a popular name among the military nations of the Celtae. Thus we find the Aulerci Eburo- Vices, the Au- lerci Branno- Vices, and the Lemo- Vices, in Gaul. And thus we find the Huiccii or Vices and the OixMJices or Ordo- Vices in Britain I€ . The Huiccii of Bede are undoubtedly the Jugantes of Tadi- tus, the appellation of the tribe being Huicc-ii, Guicc-ii, or Jug- ant-es ,T . Thefe certainly inhabited the whole extent of Wor- cefterfhire ,f , and moft probably poffefled the whole of W^jh wickfhire and the north of Gloucefterfhire. Aqd Brantlbgenium or Worcefter appears from its name to have been their capital. The name is compounded of the two words, Bran or B'reh and Genion or Cenioh ; the latter of which, as I have already fhewn In our own Mancenion, fignifies fimply a fortrefs or town; and the former of which, as muft neceflarily be the cafe with a town that is conftru&ed m a valley like Ayorcefter, can import only the principal city If . tJ 2 The