Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/177

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i 4 8 .THE HISTORY Bool R. The Ordovices were undoubtedly difldnft from the Jugantes,- and are a&ually diftinguifhed from them by Tacitus xo . The Ordovices were fettled at firft perhaps immediately to the north of the Jugantes, inhabited only the county of Shrewfbury, and; acknowledged Uriconium, Y Ricon Caer, the City of Kings,* for their capitaL The Ordo vices certainly poffefled; the county of Shrewfbury, the' town of Mediolanum, Med Lan, or Fair Fortrefs in the North of it being particularly afcribed to that na- tion by Ptolemy and by Richard". And the Ordqvices certain- ly extended their dominions afterwards over all the mountains of North-Wales upon. one fide* and aflivedly carried them ov^r all the woods of Staffordshire gn the other, and over aH tJie* plains of Eaft-Cheflure- to the north of the latter. Thefe plaiq^ were certainly not inhabited at firft hy the Caraabii*. that tribe,, as I have already evinced, being originally planted upon the banks of the Dee and along ths weftern fide of the CQunty. And aU thefe extended region* . of North^Wales Staffordshire and Eaft-Chefhire were in: ali probability firft peopled at th^s period j- the fpreading numbers of the Ordovices ranging gradu- ally into thefe falrtary countries^ and edging cfafely tp the foutjx. aftd eafr uj*w* *h& Cajmahii of Wc#>Ghdhirew Hfvipg thus enlarged their pofoffia^s over a# thQ uninha^d diftrida around them, and their numbers perhaps iacx^afmg, tfe/fc irruptions of war would commence as the range of population was confined. The Qirdovices appear afccerdiugly to have at- tached the neighbouring Huiccii on tb^ fouth, to haw feized- their capital* and to have fubdued their country *% . And being, thua maftfers of North-Wales Shropj&ke Staffardfliiie aad Eaftr CUeibire* and becoming afterward* th* conquerors of W©r- qeft^Q^ire Warwiokflurq aod -Nor fh-Qkmceftexflure, . probably at the fijrnje r period^ morp probably at th$ latter r they ffimed* or revived tha difl»i*gui£h*Lig appellation, of Qrdruices or Qrdoj v}c$s, the Great Huiccii pr the Hflppurabls Vice?,. Such, was the wide-extended entire of the Ordovices.. JJuj fuch it did not long remain. The Dpbupi affailed it on thp- fouth* and cut off from. it. the north of Gloucefterfhire the . ■ fouth-