Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/186

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Chap. V.. OF MANCHESTER. i ST h fo written from the fame cuftomary fubftitution of an L for an R ifr the language of our Saxon anceftors, from which the name- of the Wiltshire- Ambrefbury is changed in the fame records inta Amblefcury, and from which the appellation of Sarum, theSearo- byrig of the Saxon chronicle, has been long altered into Salifbury V At the diftance of a few miles from this ftation, but on the fouthern bank of the Merfey, were formerly difcovered more than twenty oblong pieces of lead* fbme of which were faid to be- infcribed IMP. VESP. VH.T. IMP. V. and others IMP. DOMIT- GOSS. A V G. GER. DE.. The difcovery is fufficiently authentic CEANG. eated,. and the ihfcri prions are intereftingly curious; Thefe pieces of lead the venerable father of our Britifh antiquarians; has confidered as the memorial of fbme viftory which the Ro- mans obtained over the Ceangi or the inhabitants- of the norths- weftern region of Cheftrire And this is certainly the light in; which the^ firft obvious reftfe&ion, prefents them, to the mind ♦. But the late antiquarian of Grefliam College- has queftioned the- juftnefs.ofe Mr.. Camden!s opinion, and has advanced a; very dif- fercnt one: of; his own. He confldersr them merely as commoni pieces of lead,, licenfed only for the market by an infcription of. the name of the reigning emperor, . and fecured to the proprietor by another infcription of the name of his nation, and. thrown by an accidental wrofck upon the fhoreof Ghefhire.. And to this^ his account of them Dr. Stukeky has given the, fanftionof hit own commendation ' . . But* the. account is afluredly, wrong, . and: will appear to be. fo from ithis .one argument only.. , The Chefhire are not the only pkcea of lead which have bben^ difcovered. of - a fimilar form and; with a.fitnilar infcription Ir* the reign of our eighth .Henry, an oblong plate o£the fame mocalt was. thrown up by the. plough near Ochyhole in Somerfetflure^ hearing this infcription, TL. GLAVDIVS CiESAR; AVG^ P..M.TRIB. P. VUIL IMP.. XVL. DE^ BRETAN. » Lela!^ Jtt hb ' AUertio Artfcnrii, p. 13; edit; 1544, gWes Km tlitat,- T!. CLAUft.. tiBSAA AHG..P-M.IR. E.VUIUIMB..XYL DE.tfUTA»NI^ Jot %«wh.- , Am p. 16&