Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/187

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i 5 » T HE HIS TO R Y Bqok I. the prefcnt century another was discovered at Bmton within the &me county, having this inscription, IMP. DVOR. A VG, AKTONINI ET YERl ARMENIACORVM 7 . And a third ivas dug up about thirty-fix years ago ia Yorkshire, .exhibiting thefe words, IMP. CAES. DOMIT1AN. A VG. COS. VII ». Of, BRIG. tfiefe the firft was certainly a trophy. This the words DE BRITANNIS would Efficiently aQkvc us of tjhemfelves, This the remarkable imprefficm upon a particular coin undeniably evinces. The words are too general for the purpofes of Dr. WardV fuppofi&on. And the coin exhibits exa&ly the lame in- fenption, together with a triumphal arch, the figure of an horfc- man at full fpeed, and two trophies This piece of lead there-* fore was ere&ed as a military trophy, and the infeription upria it DE BRITANNIS as the memorial of a vi^ory which the Romans gained over the Haedui, the Britons of thefe parte of Somerietlhire. And Inch the Grfefham Profeffor with an inge- nuous inconfiftency acknowledges them to be ,0 . Such therefor^ mull alfo be the Chefhire pieces of lead, and fuch the infer iptioa £)j£ CKAMGIS upon them. This: every principle of analogy, proclaims tliem to be. Molded exactly in the fame fort #f figure, and prefenting ex$&Iy the fame fort of infcription T they inuft both have been formed with the feme defign and inferibed for the lame end. The equally oblong piece of lead which was difawered in! the more foutherfy region of Semerfetflwitt muft: have been eqtfally erected as the record of a vi&ory over the inhabitants of it. This the fame principles of analogy affert. And this the Pro&flbr again inconfiftently acknowledges **♦ In the joint reign «xf Aurelius Antoninus and L. Verus an iirfurre&ion of the Ha* dui had been foppsfefled by the Romans. And this monument was ere&ed in naembry of the fupprefEon. Such therefore muft have been alfo the cafe with the Brigantes. Subdued by Cerealis in* the year 72 or j$+ they rn*ift hawe attempted to throw off thd yoke in the feventh C0nfulare.of Doraitiaa or the ; year i$i.> i% but attempted ii*^aia.~ Tha BoifcanQ reduced the infurgents, and ^r€fte4 the ufual monument of their vi&ories, the leaden: plate and