Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/446

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Chap. XL OF MANCHESTER. 411 the province of Vefpafiana, axid owning Ptorotone for their pro- vincial capital 8 . 9 The unconquered Britons confifted of ten tribes, and inha- bited the large remainder of Scotland, To the fouth IO of Mur- ray Frith were placed the Proper Caledonians, pofleffing the in- terior regions of Invernefs, the weftern of Badenock and Broad- albin, the eaftern of Lochaber, and the north-eaftern of Lorn f . reaching in a long line acrofs the ifland from the Frith of Mur- ray in the North-Eaft to the head of the- Sinus Lelamnonius, Lelannonius, Lelanus, or Loch Fyn, in the South- Weft ", and having all the weftern parts of their country quite covered over with the .Caledonian foreft l% . But along the eaftern coaft of the ifland, and to the north of thefe and of Murray Frith x the Cantae enjoyed* all the eaftern parts of Rofs, having the river Xioxa or the Frith of Cromarty pafling through the center of their pofleffions, the promontory Penoxullum, Uxel Pen, or the High Head, the Lfcfty Bank of Ptolemy, and the prefent Tar- beath Nefs, on one fide of them, and the river Abona or the Frith of Dornock to the North of them. Beyond the Frith were •the Logi or the maritime people, inhabiting the fea-coaft of Sutherland, and reaching to the river Ha or Ale in Caithnefs. And the Carnabii inhabited the reft of Caithnefs, being the moft north-eafterly of all the Britons, and having the two promon- tories of Viruedrum and Berubium x+ , the Dung{by and the Nefs Heads, to the Eaft and North-Eaft of them. To the Weft of thefe were the Catini, fpreadirig along the whole fea-coaft of Strathnavern to the weft ; as to the fouth of the Catini, in the interior diftrifts of Strathnavern and Sutherland, and adjoining on the Eaft to the Logi ,s , were the Mertae. The;Catinihad been fubdued by the Carnabii, who thereby extended their dominions along all the northern fhore of the ifland from die river Ha on the South-Eaft to the promontory Tarvidum, Orcas, or Faro Head on the North- Weft xs , and to the river Nabaeus or Loch Aflynt be- yond it on the South^Weft. Tothe South of the Nabaeus, the Car nonacae ^extended xilong the fhore of Rois, having : the Pfo- montorium Ebudum or the headland of Row Stoir AflVnt on one fide of their country and the Volfas Sinus or Loch Breyn O g g 2 to