Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/447

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4i* tHE HISTORY Book*, to th6 fouth of it* Bounded by Loch Rreyn on the north and by the river Itys on the fbuth, a river placed by Ptolemy two degrees to the louth of the Volfas Sinus and probably the Sheyl in Invernesflure, were the Ceronea ; as the Greones were limited by the Itys on the north and the river Longus or Loch Long on the fouth, a river plated by Ptolemy three or four degrees to the ibuth of the Itys " : thefe two nations pofleffing all the re* mainder of Rofs, of Inverness, of Lochaber, and of horn* and the whole of Argyle ,7 . And the Epktii inhabited the Htlde re* fidae of Scotland, the narrow cherfonefos that is formed by the ocean ou the weft and Loch Fyn on the eaft, which contain* Cantire and Knapdale, and which terminates in the Epidium Promontorium or the Mull of Cantire " All thefe in the days of Agricola were wilted together under one monarch and combined into one monarchy if . This mo- narch was a Pendragon or di&ator, one king exalted into k preeminence over the reft upon the alarming invafion of the oountry by Agricola, and, like the Fendragons that had been previoufly created in the fcuth, invefted with a military autho- rity over them. The Fendragonfiup muft certainly have been in* ftituted at firft among the Southern Britons upon the firft inva- sion or die fubfequent encroachments of their firft common, enemies, the Belgae, and was therefore firft iiiftiluted in all pro*- bability after Divitiacus had obtained the command of all Bfclgic Britain * The united Be3g«e appear to have gamed yejy conr- ficlerabic advantages over the difenited Britons ". The Candid who had previoufly feized the fouth of Middlesex and the fbrtrds of London * and who, as Novaotes or new-comers in Middikr fex, had thek fortrefs diftjaguMlied by the appeilatioa of Tre* Novantum or the abode of the Novantes *% and afterwards re* ceived or aflumed the difoiminattng title of Trinobantes, at that period in all probability enlarged their dominions, as 1 haw formerly fhewn their poflfeffionsto have been ft&ually extended, over all Middfefex and afit Effc*. The Ivegni, who wer* previouAf confined, I luppofe, to the county of Sufleic, now ppetty ocr* tatrily obtained their doaunaotes in Surry, and {as appears fhona the name