Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/448

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Chap. XIL OF HANCHESrE R. 4 i 3 name of their town, Novio -magus **) there acquired the ap- pellation of Novieu or Grangers. And it was at this period ' ihoft probably that the Damnonii Subdued the Carnabii of Weft- Cornwall and the Ctmbri of North -Cornwall and South-Somer- Ictihire, and that the Proper Belgee conquered the Segontiaci in the contiguous parts of Hampshire and Berkihtre, and reduced theHaedui in the north of Somerietfliire the north-weft of Wilt- shire and the fcroth-weft of Giocefterlhire. Such fucceflfes tnuit have greatly alarmed the native Britons, and muft have ftrongly fo- liated them to copy die beneficial pra&ice of their euemie*, and to unite, like them, under one common govcrnour. And ac- cordingly we foon find ail the ibutherly tribes combined toge- ther under one head, and jointly pmofecuting the war agaiuft the- m Betg*** 1 . This head was the famous Caffi-vellaunus or CafR- fcellinus *, the Belin or king of the Caffii * 7 . He was created the Pendragon or the head of the kings, the whole military authority over the combined tribes was committed to him, and tinder his conduct the war was carried on with vjgour * The Caffii recovered all the country which had been ieized by the Trinobantes, and which muft pretty certainly have been previa oufly taken away from themfelves, the whole tribe of the TrU nobantes being reduced into fabje£ion * 9 . And die Bibroccs re- covered from the Regni what ajs certainly had been their owa ^before, the county of Surry, even purfued the Regni intaSuflex^ and absolutely fobdued the kingdom **. Such (uccefies would fkrongiy recommend the new model of government to the Bri- tons* And at the fecond and more formal defcent of Cs&r upon the ifland both the Belgac and the Britons very prudently united together for their common Safety, and the Pendragon of the latter became equally for a Ihort period the dt&ator of the former '^ And this dignity was not merely temporary* created for the emergency and expiring with it. It was a dignity that continued for life in the pofieflbr* and that feems evea to have defended at his death to his male heir. Thus Cimobeline and Caraftacus* the two fucceflbrs of Caffiveilaun in the monarchy *f the Ciffii* feem alfo to have been his heirs, in the Peodragonihip of the ifland.