Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/557

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lii APPENDIX. CONTIOPOLI * DURELEVO Antoninus m.p. 10 18 Ma do Vagnaca Novio Mago londinio IZ 18 18 l S Iter t inv. Vagniacis .... Novioraago 1 8 Londinio 10 or the Sandy Ford, is abfolutely impofiible to be true. Equally impoflible for the fame reafon is alfo Dr. Stulceley's etymology of Rhyd Tyf or the Paflage over the Water. And the derivation given us by Batteley from the noife is obvioufly too general and exten/ive to be juft. The antient name of the town is Rutupae, Rhutupi, or Rutubi. And the 'modern name of Richborough, Repta-caeftir, or Ratifburghe is merely a corruption of it. Rutubi Portus (fays Bede lib. i. c. i.) — nunc qorrupte Repucaeftir. And fee Somner p. 87. In b. II. ch. i. I {hall (hew Rut and Ruth to fignify any Current of Water, and Pig or Pi is a Prominence (fee Baxter in Begefla and Cager Voran, and remember Cune- dag &c. mentioned, before). Ruthupis then is Ruth-eu-Pi, the Peak of the Currents or the Prominence of the Waves, exa&ly the fame as Bar-Rath* on the Hill of the Waves, Canter-