Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/558

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APPENDIX. Kii Gale Canterbury Lenham Maidftone Woodcote near Croydon London Horseley Canterbury Milton Northfleet Woodcote London Stukeley Canterbury Sittingburne Maidftone Sevenoke Croydon London a Caledonian iflet in Offian (vol. i. p. 261), awl j^aftly defcriptive of the fite of Rhutupis, which projects confiderably into the antient domain of the fea, 4 The Roman ftation at Cantiopolis or Canterbury, tb« fite of which none of our antiquarians have hitherto attempted to fettle, was placed aflu redly upon the prefent area of the ruinated caftle, a natural eminence near to the river, and giving name to the {ration and the town, Du rove mum or Dorobernia. This name has -been equally derived from the Britifh Dur Whern a Rapid River (Lambard, Camden, and Somner) and the Britifh . Dur Vern a Temple on the River (Baxter). But as the river at Canterbury was always diftinguifhed by its prefent appellation of Sturius or Stour (Richard p. 17), fo the idea, of a Britifh temple on its banks is merely imaginary* The name is nothing more thaai Dur Bern or the Knoll on the River. IT E R