Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/89

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6z THE HFST6RV £<** I: all the central regions of the id and, was limited by the two other provinces on the fbuth and weft, and by the Humber the Don *° and the Merfeyon the north f and had about eight tribes and fifty ftations within it- The Trinovantes refided in the counties of Middlefex and Effex, Londinium or London being their mefropoiis z Beyond the Stour were planted the Iceni *% confifting of two tribes. Of thefe the Cenomanni inhabited the counties of Suffolk and Cambridge, perhaps the north of Bedfordshire to the Oufe on the fouth, certainly the fouth of Northampton(hire to the Nen on the north, and abfolutely th* whole of Huntingdonshire and Norfolk, being limited on the north by the Nen, and having Carter near Norwich for their Venta or firft city. Of thefe the Coritanni occupied the remain- der of Northamptonshire, all LeicefterShire (except a narrow line of it on the weft, which belonged to the Carnabii), the whole of Rutland Lincoln Nottingham and Derby counties, and the little portion of York(hire which is to the fbuth of the Don *% and acknowledged Ragae or Leicefter for their metropolis * The Caflii were^originally matters only of all Hertfordshire, all or the reft of Bedfordshire * s , and the adjoining parts of Buc- kinghamshire **, having Verulam in all probability for their ca- pital ; but before the Roman arrival extended their dominions, feized the kingdom of the Trinobantes and the country of the Dobuni *% and made Camulodunum or Colchefter in Eflex their capital % The Dobuni 6r Lowlanders appear from their name to have firft pofltffled only the fouth of Gloucestershire, anil had Corinium or Chencefter in it for their capital ; but after- wards extended their authority over the north of Gloueefterfhir'e and the fouth-weft of Warwickshire, over all the extent of Worcefterfhire and Oxfordshire, and over the remainder of Buc- kinghamshire, reaching up to the weftern frontier of the Caflii *, and ftill retaining Cotinium for their capital. The north of Gloucefterfhire and the whole of Warwickshire and Worcefter- fhire were pretty certainly occupied by a people whom I (hall mention hereafter v ; as the whole of OxIbrdihUe and the created part of Buckinghamshire were ija all probability pofiefled by die Anca-