Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/90

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Chap. IIL OF MANCHESTER. 6$ Ancalites "• And the-Carnabii fpread over the reft of FJavia, and had Uriconium or Wroxeter for their capital 3 33 Valentia included all the ootuitry that was bounded by the two walls and the two ieas, .contained five tribes, and had ten ftatiam under its capital. The Ottadini inhabited the whole extent of Northumberland, except the fraall region that was ta the fouth of the wall/ all Mers, half of Tweedale* and all Lothian* being bounded by the wall of Antoninus on the north, the wall of Hadrian on the fouth s and the Tweed on tKc fouth-weft, and having Bremenium or Riechefter in Readidale for their capital. The Gadeni occupied the little region of Cumberland that was beyond the wall, Tiviotdale,. Tweedale up to the Tweed, and Cluydifdale as far at leaft as Lanerk on the north-weft, having Curia, or Corsford by Lanerk„ for their capital. The Selgovse held all Anandalc, Nithifdale, and Gal* lovvay v up to, the Dee, and perhaps the fouth-eaftern fide of Kyle and the fouth- weftern of Cluydifdale. Beyond the Dee refided the Novantes, fpreading ovejr all . the reft of Galloway, and having Lucophibia or Whitern for their capital. And to the north of three of thefe tribes, the Novantes the Selgovae and the Gadeni, were the Damnii, poUeffing all Carrick Cunningham and Renfrew, the reft of Kyle, and the remainder of Cluydif- dale . a chain of mountains, formerly denominated Montes Ux<» elli xK.the.-jUchel'HillS) running all along the fouth, the barrier betwixt them and their fouthern neighbours; and the vallum of Antoninus ranging along their northern border* M All the region then which was bounded by the twa leas* the wall of Hadrian on the north, and the Merfey the Don and the Humber on the fouth, and which contained die whole counties of Durham Lane after and Weftmoreland, all Yorkshire except a very fmall portion on the fouth, all Cumberland except a little angle on the north, and a narrow flip of Northumberland on the fouth, was entitled Maxima or (as the Notitia *nd Ri- chard's Itinerary . call it) Maxima Caefarienfis 36 * It comprized the Brigantes the Volantii and the Siftuntiu It included about thirty ftatioas, befides the line of the forts at the wall* and ac* knowledgecfc