Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/91

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$4 THE HISTORY Book I. lpiowledged Eburacutn for its 'metropolis. The Siftuntii inha- bited the whole compafs of our own county and the fbuthenv region of Weftmoreland. The Volantii poffeffed the remainder of Weftmoreland and Cumberland. And the Brigantes enjoyed the whole of Durham, and all Yorkfhire to the Don and the Humber. The fixth legion appears to have been fettled at York as early as the year 140* And EburacuiA appears to have been ralfed as early to that dignity under the Roman government which Ifeur or Aldborough had previouily enjoyed under the Britilh 37 . ; x .Dio p. 794 and 795 compared with Ptolemy and Anton ine. Mr.. Camden, p. 1 1 1 . edit. 1 607, makes the higher part of Britain to be the fouthern and the lower to be the northern, carrying the former to about the Humber or the Merfey. But Mr. Horfeley inverts the plan, and makes the fouthera the lower and the northern the higher, for this one good reafon, becaufe Caefar exprefly calls the fouthern the lower; p. 307 and preface .p. 22. The true divifion is certainly intoeaftern and weftern, the .legions at Caerleon and Chefter being placed by Dio in the higher Britain, and the legion at York in the lower. And fo Pliny places Ireland fuper Britanniam (lib. iv. c. 16). And Roman Britain is naturally broken into eaft and weft Britain, a chain of hills run- ning from the highlands of Scotland * and joining to the peak of Derby, the moorlands of Stafford (hire, the range of Edge- Hill in Warwicklhire, and the Chilterne in Buckinffhamfture.

  • Richard, p. 15, 17, 18, 19, and 20. In the delineation of

this province Richard's map is pretty accurate in general. Dr. Stukeley's, prefixed to his comment upon Richard, which very falfely pretends to be an exaft copy of the other, his totally omitted one tribe which appears in Richard's map and which ought to appear in both, the Carnabii of Cornwall, and has equally omitted the dotted lines that divide the kingdoms, —

  • See alfo Iter 1. of Richard. — * Somoer's Roman forts in Kent

p. 40, &c. — * Ptolemy. He carries the Cantii to or nearly to the