Page:History of Norfolk 1.djvu/374

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free-chace and free-warren, wyeffe, stray, fellons goods, and ought to pay no manner of towle, nor pays no rent, but 5s. to castle-warde, and a marke for his liberties, whereby he may keep sessions within the lordship, as Sir Thomas Holland my grandfather did, who executed two fellons at Drayton, within the lordshipp, arraingned and condemned at the said sessions.

Edmund Holland, Earl of Kent, who was killed beyond sea, was brought home and buried at Burne abbey, about 10 miles from Estoveningehall, where I see him lye entombed in the midst of the quire, with 5 or 6 of my ancestors, entombed round about him, and there did my grandfather in his latter days keep house, and lies buried hard by; the said Earl also, part of his tyme, kept house there, and was either founder, or a great benefactor to the priory of St. James at Deeping: none of the Hollands are buryed at Swyneshed church, but only Sir John, who lies flat with the Hollands quire there, the scripture of his burial being in French, the date worn out, he married Margaret, but further appears not, most of the Hollands were buried in abbeys, and friers houses; I have seen them lye in great number at Bourne, Swyneshed, Barkyng, Bardeney, Sempring, Grysted, Strikswold, Spalding, Crowland; and the friers at Boston and Stamford, now being the Dukes of Suffolk, and my father lies in Spaldynge church, to which houses of religion, my said ancestors to my knowledge, have been too great benefactors, my mother lies buried in the Holland's quere at Swineshead, and my uncle Blase at Boston. Geo. Holland was Secretary to the most worthy and mighty prince, Thomas Duke of Norfolk, grandfather to the present Duke, and served him in that calling, and Clerk of the Counsail in the warrs both in France, England, and Scotland, and when he was committed to the Tower, and his son of Surrey beheaded in the last year of King Henry the VIIIth, and being most worthily delivered thence by Q. Mary, I served him in that callinge till his death, and was with him against Sir Tho. Wiatt his godson, where he was most slenderly appoynted by his own men & capt; trayterously."