Page:History of Norfolk 1.djvu/375

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[To/ace page z^^. Brian Holland of Denton House in Lancashire, Esq. lived in the time of King Henry the Seventh. . £dw. Holland of 1. Guy 2. Oliver Glasthorp in Derby- Holland. Holland, shire. ■?. lohn Holland, Gent, of Wortwell Hall in Rcdcnhall Anne, daughter of Rob. Warner in Norfolk, servant and trustee to the Duke of Norfolk, died Febr. 10, 1542. of WingSeld, Suffolk. Elizabeth and others. John Holland, a divine, exiled by Q. Mary for his religion. Sir Thomas Holland Anne. | John Godfrey of Kenninghal!, Knt. of Harleston. Brian Holland of Wortwell,_ Esq.' Escheator of Norfolk, anno 1549- Philemon Holland, D. D. the great translater, was born about 1551. Katherine, daughter and heir of Peter Payne of Rowidham in Norfolk, who died in 1583, and left Rowdham, Newhall, and Trusbutt's manors to her. Elizabeth.J_Jeff. Miles of Stoke- Neyland, Suffolk. lohn Holland of Wortwell, Esq. anno 1586, commended Mary, daughter of Sir Henry Holland, author of the Heroologia Anglica, born about 1582, alive in 1640. A younger brother, author of Hollandi Posthuma. as an ingenious painter, in a book called the Excellent Art of Painting, p. 20. He purchased Quidenham, and Bo- kenham park. Edmund Windham of Felbrigge in Norfolk. Sir Martin Stutevile of Dalham. — Mary . Mary, daughter of Sir Tho. Holland of Quidenham, Knt. and of 2. Mary, daughter and sole Mr. Edward Barker, Sir Tho. Knevet, of AshwelUThorp,Knt. died in childbed with Edmund her son. / . Katherine, 'Wortwell Hall, died Feb. 25, 1629, aged 48 years; he was buried here, and died seized of Sexton's manor in Icklingham, with the ad- vowson of St. James's church there. He was knighted by King James at Greenwich, May 24, 1628. 'heiress of Sir Edw. Wig- more, of Twickenham in Middlesex, Knt. she was buried by him. ~hcr 2d husband. John Holland was born at Ashwell-Thorp, A" 1603, was Alathea, daughter and coheir of born i6i6. receiver, chief steward, and keeper of the Earl of Arun- dell's park at Kcnninghall in 1626, created baronet June 15, A° 5 Car. I. 1629, being the 288th baronet by creation ; died here 1700. Pauton of Brinsap, in Denbigh- shire, widow of William Lord Sandvs of the Vyne in Hamp- shire ; died May 22, 1679. Sir Robert Clench of" Suffolk. -Elizabeth. Sir Robert_ Crompton, of "Yorksh. Catherine, who was buried here. . John. 3. William. Katherine died Peregrine, dr.- 1. Tho. Holland, Esq. Elizabeth, dr. Brian died unmarried a professed nun of Sir Henry died before his father, "Tof Tho. Mead, 1732, all without is- at Bruges, NorthofMil- A° 1698. Sue. about 1715. denhall, Suf- folk. of Lofts in Es- sex, Esq. Abigail, born at Utrecht, Jacob Garard, son of Ulster, town- Mr. Wright, between 1646 and 1660, Sir Tho. Garard of clerkofBury. attornev at and had three husbands.* Langford, Norfolk, and Green street, Essex. attorney at law in Bury. I. Tho. Holland, 3. William 2. Sir John Lady Rebecca, youngest who died unmar- Holland. Holland ofTdaughter of Wm. Paslon ried in the West- Quiden- of Oxnead, Earl of Yar- Indics. ham, Bart, mouth. . Jarvis, Alathea, &c. Tho. Dummer, Isabella. Brian, died infants. Esq. hath male Dorothea s, p. issue. Holland. Charles and Sir William Holland The present Lady Holland, Elizabeth of Quidenham, Bart. dr. of Mr. Upton, a Spanish died young. * merchant. Isabella-Diana- Holland. Sole heiresses of Sir William Holland. -Charlotte Holland. » Thuanus, in his History, vol. ii. p. 520, says, that one Brian Holland was exc- said county, and at divers other times and places in the county, with arms offensive cutcd in 1569, by Catlyn the Chief Justice, for the conspiracy in which the Duke of and defensive, as hand-gonnes, daggers, pistolets, privie coats, antl coats of °f'f'J^=: CUICQ III 1 <^DU, Uy Vjdliyil Lilt v^iiii.. jnotiv.-, 1.-.. ...^ ..w.uj-..--^ ... .- .-- Norfolk was principal; (whose family the Hollands served faithfully, being their trustees and chief managers of their estate in this county;) whether he means this Brian, I cannot posiiively say, but imagine he does, and if so, his being executed is a mistake ; for 1 find a pardon passed the seal, March 8, 1573, by which the Queen out of her abundant grace, at the humble request of John Holland, Esq. pardoned Brian Holland, late of Rednall, Gent, his father, and Edward Fisher, late of Cringleford, Yeoman, who were indicted for being in a conspiracy with John Applcyard of Nor- wich, Esq. John Throgmcrton of the same, Gent, George Redman, late of Cringle- ford, Gent, and Tho. Brook, late of Rollrsby, Gent, with abundance more, unlaw- fully assembled at Cringlcfoid on the 24th of June, in the 12th year of her reign, (which was 1569, ihc same year that Brian is said to have suffered,) designing treason- ably ro compass the Queen's death, and to make open war against her in her realm;

(which was 1569, ihc same year that Brian is said to have sunercd,J designing treason- neo, ana two aaugnters, rtiamea, ine ciut 

ably ro compass the Queen's death, and to make open war against her in her realm ; burgh, and Sarah, the youngest, to Sir Cha and that they put such conspiracy in effect on the 25th day of June, at Trowse in the ther to Sir George Downing of Bedfordsh aim ucieiisive, d> iirtiiu-^wiiuta, uo^^i.i.3, ^isi.ji^i.ay ^...i.... .,v..«..^, - — ■ and that at Trowse, op the said day, and at other times and places, they openly declared these words: "We will procure the Commons to rise, and expulse the " Strangers out of the City of Norwiche, and other Places in England, and when we " have levied a Powrc, wc will loke about us, and so many as will not take our Partes, " we will hange them up." And the said Brian, and Edward Fisher, with Christo- •pher Platers of Norwich, Gent. Clement Harwarde of the same, Gent. Anthony Nolloth of Yarmouth, Gent, and John Rochester of Norwich, Yeoman, well knowing the traitorous designs of Appleyard and his rebels, and their intentions, yet went to Cringleford on the 24th of June, to be aiding and abetting to their treasonable designs.

  • She had issue by Garrard, Thomas baptized 1675, John 1681, both died unmar-

ried, and two daughters, Alathea, the eldest, married Sir Francis Beckley of Attle- burgh, and Sarah, the youngest, to Sir Charles Downing of Bury St. Edmund's, bro-