Page:History of Utah.djvu/21

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versity--Curriculum--Educational Ideas--Library--Periodicals--Tabernacle and Temple--New Fort--Progress of the Useful Arts--Mills, Factories, and Manufactures--Farm Products--Traffic--Population--Revenue--Mortality--Healthful Airs and Medicinal Springs.

  1. Mormonism and Polygamy
    What is Mormonism?--Tenets of the Church--Sacred Books and Personages--Organization--Priesthood--First Presidency--The Twelve Apostles--Patriarchs--Elders, Bishops, Priests, Teachers, and Deacons--The Seventies--Stakes and Wards--Marriage--Temple-building--Tabernacle--Political Aspect--Polygamy as a Church Tenet--Celestial Marriage--Attitude and Arguments of Civilization--Polygamy's Reply--Ethics and Law--The Charge of Disloyalty--Proposed Remedies.
  2. Missions and Immigration, 1830–1883
    Mormon Missionaries--Parley Pratt and his Colleagues--Missionary Labor in Canada--In Great Britain--Missionaries in Europe--And in Other Parts of the World--The Perpetual Emigration Fund--A General Epistle of the Twelve--From Liverpool to Salt Lake City for Fifty Dollars--Emigrant Ships--Report of a Liverpool Manager--The Passage to New Orleans--Overland Travel--Classes of Emigrants--George A. Smith's Companies at South Pass--The Handcart Emigration--Biographical.
  3. Utah as a Territory, 1849–1853
    Need of Civil Government--The State of Deseret Organized--Memorials for Admission into the Union--Proposed Consolidation with California--Administration of Justice--Proceedings of the Legislature--Babbit's Reception at Washington--The State of Deseret before Congress--Act to Establish a Territorial Government--Appointment of Officials--Ill Feeling between Them and the Mormons--The Officials Depart for Washington--Measures of the Legislative Assembly--Stansbury's Survey--The Gunnison Massacre--Indian Outbreaks--The Walker War--Mexican Slave-traders.
  4. The Government in Arms, 1853–1857
    Brigham as Dictator--Utah Seeks Admission as a State--Dissatisfaction among the Saints--Conflicting Judiciaries--The New Federal Offi-