Page:History of Utah.djvu/22

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cials--Disputes with Judge Drummond--Colonel Steptoe--An Expedition Ordered to Utah--Official Blunders--The Troops Assemble at Fort Leavenworth--Hockaday and Magraw's Mail Contract--The Brigham Young Express--Celebration of the Pioneer Anniversary--News of the Coming Invasion--Its Effect on the Mormons--Arrival of Major Van Vliet--The Nauvoo Legion--Mormon Tactics.

  1. The Utah War, 1857–1858
    Opening of the Campaign--Burning of Supply Trains--Strategic Movement of Colonel Alexander--His Retreat--Arrival of Albert Sidney Johnston--The March to Fort Bridger--Winter at Camp Scott--Mission of Colonel Kane--Governor Cumming at Salt Lake City--Pardon Proclaimed--The Peace Commissioners--The Army of Utah Advances on Zion--The City Deserted--The Mormons Return to Their Homes--The Troops Cantoned at Camp Floyd--Conduct of the Soldiery and Camp Followers--Judges Sinclair and Cradlebaugh--The Reformation in Utah.
  2. The Mountain Meadows Massacre, 1857
    An Arkansas Emigrant Party Arrives at Salt Lake City--Assassination of Parley P. Pratt--Ill Feeling against the Emigrants--Alleged Outrages--Their Arrival at Mountain Meadows--They are Attacked by Indians--A Flag of Truce--Plan of the Massacre--Surrender of the Judge Cradlebaugh's Investigation--The Aiken Massacre--John D. Lee on Trial--The Jury Disagree--The Second Trial--Lee Convicted and Sentenced--His Confession and Execution.
  3. Political, Social, and Institutional, 1859–1862
    Brigham Threatened with Arrest--The Federal Judges Reproved--Departure of Governor Cumming--And of the Army of Utah--Population of the Territory--Mortality--Wealth--Industries--Prices--Wages--Trade--Salt Lake City in 1860--The Temple Block--Social Gatherings--Theatricals--Scientific and Other Institutions--Character of the Population--Carson Valley--San Bernardino--Summit County and Its Settlements--Purchase of Fort Bridger--Wasatch County--Morgan County--Cache Valley--Settlements in Southern Utah.