Page:History of Utah.djvu/23

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  1. Progress of Events, 1861–1869
    Governor Dawson's Gallantry--Utah Refused Admission as a State--Passage of a Bill against Polygamy--Measures of the Legislature--Arrival of Governor Harding--Disputes between Brigham and the Federal Officials--Arrival of the California Volunteers--A False Alarm--The Morrisite Troubles--Governors Doty and Durkee--The Limits of Utah Curtailed--Celebration of Lincoln's Second Inauguration--The Brassfield and Robinson Murders--Indian Outbreaks--The Battle of Bear River--Disturbances in Southern Utah--Treaties with Indian Tribes--The Uintah Valley Reservation--Bibliographical.
  2. Schisms and Apostasies, 1844–1869
    The Strangites--The Gatherers--Brannan's Followers--The Gladdenites--The Reorganized Church of Latter-day Saints--Alexander and David Hyrum Smith--The Utah Magazine--Trial of Godbe and Harrison--Success of the Godbeite Movement--The Struggle for Commercial Control--Persecution of Gentile Merchants--Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Institution--Extent of its Operations--Disastrous Effect on Gentile Trade--Reaction in Favor of the Reformers.
  3. The Last Days of Brigham Young, 1869–1877
    Visit of Schuyler Colfax--Godbe's Interview with President Grant--Governor Shaffer--Military Riot at Provo--Governor Woods--Judge McKean--Burlesque of Justice--Arrest of Brigham Young and Others--George Q. Cannon Chosen Delegate--Axtell's Administration--Governor Emery--Death of Brigham--His Obsequies--His Character--His Will.
  4. Church and State, 1877–1885
    Conference of the Church--Reorganization of the First Presidency--John Taylor Appointed President--His Appearance and Mien--The Edmunds Bill--Its Penalties--An Ex Post Facto Law--Polygamists Disenfranchised--Utah again Refused Admission as a State--Operations of the Utah Commission--Governor Murray's Message--His Administration.