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Valentine, who interceeded with Orson to spare his life, on condition of his turning Christian, and acquainted King Pepin how he was conquered.

The Green Knight having promised to perform all that was desired, they led him a prisoner to the city of Acquitain; and the Duke received them with great joy, and offered the Lady Fazon to Orson; but he would not marry her till his brother had won the Green Knight's sister, Lady Clerimond; nor till they had talked with the enchanted Head of brass, to know his parents, and proper use of his tongue.

Which when the Lady knew, she was very sorrowful, because she loved Orson, and was resolved to marry none but him, who had so nobly conquered the Green Knight.


Valentine and Orson go in search of Lady Clerimond, who had the Brazen Head in her possession.

VALENTINE and Orson having taken leave of the Duke of Acquitain, and his daughter Fazon, proceeded on their journey in search of the Lady Clerimond, and at last came to a tower of burnished brass; which, upon enquiry, they discovered to be kept by Clerimond, sister to Feragus and the Green Knight; and having demanded entrance, were refused it by the centinal who guarded the gate; which provoked Valentine to that degree, that he ran against him with such fury, that the centinal fell down dead immediately.

The Lady Clerimond beheld all this dispute, and seeing them brave Knights, received there courteously. Valentine having presented tokens from the Green Knight, told her he came there for the love