Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 4.djvu/1190

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  • New Jersey, failure of Sch. Suff. amend., xvi; first State to grant wom. suff., 19; account of same, 830. See State chapter.
  • New South Wales, chapter on, 1029.
  • Newspapers and Magazines.[1]

Advertiser (New Decatur, Ala.), 465.

Arena, The, 6, 927-8.

Argonaut (San Francisco), 491.

Australian Register, 1028.

Australian Woman's Sphere (Melbourne), 1031.

Boomerang (Laramie, Wyo.), 1006.

Bricklayer and Mason, 446.

Bulletin (San Francisco), 491.

Call (San Francisco), 482, 487, 491, 505.

Chicago Law Times, 609.

Christian Advocate, 207.

Colorado Springs Gazette, 525.

Commercial Gazette (Cin'ti), 428.

Congressional Record, 110.

Constitution (Atlanta), 244, 246.

Daily Statesman (Boise, Ida.), 319, 591.

Daily Times (Seattle), 974.

Democrat(Grand Rapids), 339.

Democratic State Journal (Wash.), 1096.

Englishwoman's Review, 22, 319, 1012.

Enquirer (Cin'ti), 428.

Evening News (Washtn.), 202.

Evening Post (New York), 1096.

Examiner (San Francisco), 491.

Express (Los Angeles), 495.

Fortnightly Review, 1014-5.

Freemen's Labor Journal (Spokane), 974.

Harper's Bazar, 716.

Harper's Magazine, 203.

Herald (Boston), 732.

Leader (Des Moines). 271, 273.

Legal News, The (Chicago), 212, 609.

Lily (Amelia Bloomer, ed.), 250, 295.

Liquor Dealer (Los Angeles), 499.

Massachusetts papers, 711.

Mirror (Seattle), 1096.

Nevada Citizen, 811.

New Northwest, 975.

Nineteenth Century (Eng.), 1014.

Oregonian (Portland), 896.

Picayune (New Orleans), 680, 683.

Post (San Francisco), 491.

Post (Washtn.), 188, 201, 221, 236, 349, 361, 385, 387, 390-1, 393, 395, 400.

Post-Intelligencer (Seattle), 1096.

Public Ledger (Phila.), 227.

Record (San Francisco), 491.

Record-Union (Sacramento), 491.

Remonstrance (Boston), 512.

Report (San Francisco), 491.

Rhode Island papers, 910-11.

Saturday Review (Atlanta), 582.

Star (Richmond, Va.), 964.

Star (San Francisco), 491.

Star (Washtn.), 173, 189, 318, 388.

Suffrage Reveille (Kas.), 647.

Suffragist (Ills.), 612.

Sun (Baltimore), 698.

Sun (New York), 326, 459.

Sunday World (Los Angeles), 499.

Sunny South (Atlanta), 238.

Times (Leavenworth, Kas.), 645.

Times (London, Eng.), 1019.

Times (Los Angeles), 491, 499.

Times (New York), 364.

Town Talk (Los Angeles), 499.

Transcript (Olympia), 1096.

Tribune (Chicago), 93, 1009.

Una (Paulina Wright Davis, ed.), 294.

Wisconsin Citizen, 342, 987.

Woman's Chronicle (Ark), 475-6.

Woman's Column (Boston), 431, 465, 708.

Woman's Exponent (Utah), 936 et al.

Woman's Forum (Ills.), 613.

Woman's Journal (Boston), 221, 236, 256, 342, 350, 381-2, 392, 406, 417, 423, 426, 430, 701, 726, 734, 736, 1096.

Woman's Standard (Ia.), 342, 629.

Woman's Tribune (Washtn.), 76, 126, 164. 296, 342, 396, 575, 970.

Women's Suffrage Journal (Eng.), 22, 1015.

Young Woman's Journal, 956. See Press.

  • New York, attempt to confer Sch. Suff. on women, xv; women demand represent. at Centennial, 156; women taxpayers, 240, 247, 313, 314; report of Const'l. Conv. of '94. 247; opinion of Atty. Gen. and other lawyers on Sch. Suff. and Office-Holding for women, 1094. See State chapter.
  • New Zealand, chapter on, 1029; eminent advocates of wom. suff., 1084.
  1. It has been impossible to index every paper named in the History, and only those are given of which special mention is made.