Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 4.djvu/1191

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  • Occupations, résumé of women in, 463; entrance of women, xxii, xxiii, xxv; statistics, xxx; advantage of ballot, 67; progress of women in, 133; women first in, 208; Mr. Bok on women in business, 229; danger of disfranch. women in, 312; statistics of wages, 379; business women send trib. to Miss Anthony on 80th birthday, 398. See State chapters under head of Occupations, beginning p. 465; also Labor and various professions, Law, etc.
  • Office-Holding by women, résumé of, 462, and in each State chapter under head of Office-Holding, beginning 465; Sen. Vest on, 108; Sen. Hoar on, 109; in Wy., 117; women first employed in Gov't dept., 123; in Nat'l. Gov't. depts. at present, 572; in Gr. Brit, 1023; in Canada, see chapter on, 1034.
  • Officers, of Amer. Suff. Ass'n. in '84, 408; from '84 to 1900, 428; of Nat'l. Suff. Ass'n. in '84, 27; from 1869 to 1900, 387; of Nat'l.-Amer. Ass'n. in '90, 174; in '92, 186; in '94, 233; in 1900, 1099.

— of first Nat'l. Council of Women, 137.

— of State Suff. Assns., listed in each State chapter, beginning p. 465.

  • Opponents of wom. suff., see Church, Congress, Debates, Electorate, Indifference of Women, Liquor Deal Remonstrants, Reports, etc. See also for arguments of, p. 93 et seq. and p. 999 et seq.
  • Oregon, xxi; xxix; three classes of opponents, 249; Amer. Suff. Ass'n. aids, 408. See State chapter.
  • Organization for wom. suff., plan of, 26; inadequacy of, 248; nat'l. com. established, 250; Mrs. Catt's work, 254; her report, 256; work of Utah women, 262; necessity of, 273; report of '97, obstacles to, 289; report of '99, 365; in various States, 451. See also State chapters, beginning p. 465.
  • Organizations Of Women, National, Chap. LXXV.

— Ass'n for Adv'mt of Wom., 1050.

— Coll. Alum., Ass' of, 1048.

— Colonial Dames of Amer., 1066.

— Col'd Wom., Nat'l Ass'n of, 1051.

— Council of Women, Int'l, 1044.

— Council of Women, Nat'l, 1044-5.

— Daughters of Amer. Rev., 1065.

— Daughters of the Rev., 1066.

— Daught. of Vets., Nat'l All., 1064. 1115

— Daught. of Confed., United, 1067.

— Daught. of 1812, Nat. Soc., 1067.

— Daughters of Rebekah, 1069.

— Eastern Star, Order of, 1068.

— Fed. of Clubs, General, 1050.

— G. A. R., Ladies of, 1064

— Household Econ., Nat'l As., 1056.

— Indian Ass'n. Wom. Nat'l., 1053.

— Jewish Wom., Nat. Coun. of, 1053.

— Keeley Rescue League, 1056.

— Kindergarten Union, Nat'l., 1055.

— Loc. Eng'rs, Ladies' Aux., 1069.

— Maccabees of World, Sup. Hive, Ladies of, 1067.

— Missionary Societies, 1057-1062.

— Mothers, Nat'l. Cong. of, 1051.

— Mt. Vernon Ladies' Ass'n., 1065.

— Music. Clubs, Nat'l. Fed. of, 1056.

— Needlework Guild of Am., 1057.

— Prison Ass'n., Woman's, 1055.

— Railroad Cond., Ladies' Aux., 1069.

— Rathbone Sisters of World, Sup. Temple, 1068.

— Red Cross Soc., Am. Nat'l., 1048.

— Relief Corps, Woman's, 1064.

— Relief Soc., Nat'l. Wom., 1052.

— Sabbath Alliance, Wom., 1063.

— Social Purity, Christian League for, 1054

— Sunshine Soc., Internat'l., 1052.

— Wom. Chr. Temp. Union, 1045.

— Women Workers, Nat'l., 1054.

— Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Ass'n., 1055.

— Y'ng Wom. Chr. Ass'n., 1063.

— Miscellaneous. 1069.

— of Men and Women, 1070.

— in Great Britain, Liberal Federation, Primrose League and Nat'l. Suff. Society, 1013-14.

— general comment on, majority would not have consented to, xxii; great power of, xxv; value of anti-suff., xxix; working toward suff., XXX; suff. organizations, rank first, 188; vast increase, 396; first on record and evolution of, 1042-3; first temperance organ'zs., 1042; during Civil War, 1043; dignity of convs., 1044; great scope of objects but few for suff., 1070-1; all leading to it, 1071; value in develop. of women, 1072; number enrolled, 1072; future power, 1073; Gov't. must have their help. 1073.

  • Parties, see alphabetical list and also Conventions. So-called Third, xviii; their general attitude, 143; 425; 438-9; 441; 479; 492; 522-3-4; 554-6: 591: 6co; 617; 647; 755-6; 760; 809; 963; 971-2; 974.