Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 6.djvu/894

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  • Alabama, effort for wom. suff, workers, legis. action; see St. chapter, 3.
  • Alaska, Legis. grants wom. suff, status of women, 713-715.
  • Alberta, gaining of wom. suff, 755.
  • Alberti, Sophie (Denmark), 812-13.
  • Aldrich, George W, 483.
  • Aldeiet Margaret Chanler, 454; 462; 466.
  • Algeo, Sara M, 568-9; 572-3; 658.
  • Allen, Florence E, 453; appointed Judge, 514.
  • Allen, Gov. Henry J, 202; 204; see Kans. chap.
  • Allen, Mrs. Henry Ware, 203-4.
  • Allen, Mrs. J. D., 506-7; 607-8; 613.
  • Amendments, State, in Ariz, 14; Ark, 26; Calif, 37; vote on it, 50; Colo, 59; Iowa, 186; vote, 189; Kans, 196; vote, 201, 205; Ky, 2411-12-13; La, 223; vote, 228; Me, 238; vote, 243, 244; Mass, vote, 287; Mich, 306; vote, 307; second, 308; vote, 309; third, 311; vote, 314; Miss, 339; vote, 341; Mo, 347, 354-5; vote, 356; Mont, 363; vote, 367; Neb, 369; vote, 377 Nev, 385-387; vote, 380, 308-9; N. H, 400; vote, 402; N. J, 421, 423, 431; vote, 426; N. Mex, prohibits, 439; N. Y, 458, 460 et seq; vote in City, 464; in State, 474-5; second campaign, 465, 468, 471, 4767; vote, in State, 482; in City, 467; Me, 238, 242; vote, 243; effect on N. Y., 479; N. Dak. (law), 502; vote, 503, 506-7; Ohio, 509-10; vote, 511; second, 512; vote, 513; Okla, 524; vote, 526; second, 528-9 et seq., vote, 529, 535; Ore, 539, 541; vote, 544,548; Penn, 554; vote, 557; 560, 562; R. I, 575; S. Dak, 587; second, 588: vote, 590; third, 501; vote, 504; Texas, 630-40; vote, 642: Va, 672; Wash, 675; vote, 682; W. Va, 688; vote, 692, 698; Wis. (law), 700, 707; vote, 703. See Federal Wom. Suff. Amend.
  • American Constitutional League (anti suff.), 621; 625.
  • Ames, Marie B, 204; 351; 358-9; 690.
  • Ammons, Prof. Theodosia, 60.
  • Anderson, Frances B, 113; 115.
  • Anderson, Chief Justice John C, 7.
  • Anthony, Lucy E, 87; 442; 542-3; 812; 816.
  • Anthony, Mary B, 570-1-2; 577.
  • Anthony, Mary S, in N. Y, 442; memorial, 443; in Ore, 542-3; 5701-2; 577; Berlin, 810.
  • Anthony, Susan B, greetings to Calif, 29; 30; entertained in Calif, 32; S. B. A. Club, 52; in Del, 86; Life and Work, 87; Memorial Fund, 88; birthday celebr, 90; in Wash, 105, 109; memorial service in Ga, 123; honored in Md, 248; memorial, 249; in Minn, 317; memorial, 318, birthday, 320; Mont, 360; memorial in Neb, 371; in Nev, 384; in N. J, 414, memorial, 415; in N. Y, 440; 443, memorial, 443, birthdays celebr, 449; 454; 455; letter to Okla, 520; in Ore, 540-1; in Phila, 551; in R. I, 565; memorial in Vt, 652; urges suff. for Hawaiian women, 716; for Filipino women, 719; 772; 774; work for Intl. Suff, Assn, 805; presides at first conf. for it in Wash, 806-808; at second in Berlin, 809-811; memorial service in Copenhagen, 816; tribute at Geneva, 861.
  • Anti Suffragists, in Ala, 7; Ariz, 15; Calif, 36, 43; Natl. Assn, work in Calif, 44; falsehoods denied in Colo, 62; in Conn, 85; Del, 96, 99, 102-3; Ga, Macon Telegraph, 138; in Legis, 139; Ind, 176; Iowa, 188; Kans, 201; La, 232; Maine, 242-3, 245,-247; Md, 254-255, 258260; Men's Assn, 261; Mass, 273, 280; Men's League, 288; 291-2, 204, 296, 301; Mich, 307; Men's League, 308; Miss, 335, 338; Mont, 365; Neb, 375; Men's League Manifesto, 376; in full, 873; headqrs, 376; German Amer. Alliance, 377; at Legis, 379; petitions, 380; Nev, 397; N. H, 401, 404, 407, 409; N. J, 424, 431; N. Y, 454-457, 466; N. Dak, 506-7; Ohio, 509, 511; work with liquor interests, 513, 515; Okla, 528, 537; Ore, 543, 547; Penn, 562, 564; R. I, 567, 574-5; S. Dak, 591; Tenn, 602, 604, 619; Mrs. Catt's comment, 621; Texas, Legis. rebukes, 641; 642; Vt, 661-2; Wash, 681; Wis, 705; Gr. Brit, 726-747; Lord Curzon's_ speech, 748; Mrs. Catt flays, 831; in Canada, 761; Men's Assn. in Neb, 873. For names see above references.
  • Argentina, effort for wom. suff, 803.
  • Arizona, efforts for wom. suff. legis. action, Gov. Brodie vetoes, amendment carries; see St. chap, Io.
  • Arkansas, efforts for wom. suff, workers, legis. action, Primary suff; see St. chap, 16.