Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 6.djvu/895

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  • Arnold, Ethel M, 263; 275; 343; 403.
  • Arthur, Clara B, see Mich. chap, 303; 310 et seq.
  • Ashton, Margaret, on Liberal party in Great Brit, 824; 826; 833; 837.
  • Asquith, Herbert H, anti suff. action in Great Brit, 727, 730 et seq; receives suffs, 732, anti suffs, 734; converted, 743; 744.
  • Astor, Viscountess, urges ratif. in Va, 671; Govt. delegate to Intl. Alliance cong. in Geneva, 862, 864, 869.
  • Atkinson, Mrs. W. D, 108.
  • Augsburg, Dr. jur. Anita (Germany), 809, 814; 826; 843-4.
  • Australia, wom. suff. in, 752; urges it in Great Brit, 753.
  • Austria, women vote; in Legislature, 792.
  • Avery, Dr. Alida C, 30; 52.
  • Avery, Rachel Foster, 87; 88; 250; in N. Y, 443; Penn, 551-2; Wis, 701-2; at intl. suff. conf. in Wash, £078; Berlin, 811; Copenhagen, 812.
  • Avery, Susan Look, 682.
  • Axtell, Frances C, 112; 684.
  • Aylesworth, Dr. B. O, in Ind, 168; Md, 250; Neb, 372; N. Y, 447.


  • Bacon, Elizabeth D, 69; 70.
  • Bagley, Mrs. Frederick H, 573.
  • Bailey, U. S. Sen. Joseph W, opp. wom. suff. in Texas, 633, 641; women defeat, 641.
  • Baird, U. S. Sen. David, 428.
  • Baldwin, Isabel A, 45; 52.
  • Balentine, Katharine Reed, in Calif, 33, 53; Wash, 106-7; Maine, 238, 243, 245.
  • Balfour, Arthur J. (Great Brit.), on wom. suff, 730; 866.
  • Ball, U. S. Sen. L. Heisler, 93; 97; 100.
  • Bamberger, Gov. Simon (Utah), 649-50.
  • Bankhead, U. S. Sen. John H, 5; 8.
  • Barkley, Edna M, 373; 378-9; 381-2.
  • Barnes, Prof. Earl, 344; 417.
  • Barrett, Kate Waller, 572; 668-9; 671.
  • Barrows, Isabel C, 268; 279
  • Bartlett, Gov. John H. (Vt.), 408-9; 657
  • Bass, Mrs. George, in Ala, 8; Del, 94; Ills, 155, 162; La, 233.
  • Bass, John P, Bangor (Me), Commercial, 241.
  • Bates, Mrs. Arthur L, 247.
  • Bates, Helen N, 236-7; 241; 243.
  • Bates, Gov. John L. (Mass.), 293.
  • Beadle, Robert Cameron, secy. Men's League, 485.
  • Beard, Mary R, officer Congressl. Union, 109.
  • Beauchamp, Frances E, 209.
  • Beckham, U. S. Sen. J. C. W, 213.
  • Beeckman, Gov. R. Livingston (R. I), 575-6-7.
  • Behrman, Mayor Martin (N. O.), 225-6; 228; 231; 233.
  • Belgium, grants Munic. franchise, 786, 788
  • Belmont, Mrs. Oliver H. P, 198; at Southern Conf, 219, 610; helps Nev, 387; enters suff. movement, 445; in N. Y, 447, 456, 469; in R. I, 567-8.
  • Benbridge, Helen, 172-3; 179; 180.
  • Benedict, Crystal Eastman, 109; 701; 703; 858.
  • Benedict, Elsie, 377.
  • Benet, U. S. Sen. Christie, 581.
  • Benners, Helen J, see Ala, chap, 3, 4.
  • Bennett, Mrs. M. Toscan, 71; 74.
  • Bennett, Sarah Clay (Mrs. James), 209; 596.
  • Benton, Pres. Guy Potter, 655.
  • Besant, Annie, 770; 852.
  • Beveridge, Edna Annette, in Ala, 6; in Md, 254; Okla, 530, 535; Tenn, 621; W. Va, 693.
  • Bickett, Gov. Thomas W. (N. C.), 495, 499.
  • Bidwell, Annie K, 28; 32; 39.
  • Biggers, Kate H, 521-527.
  • Bilbo, Gov. Theodore G. (Miss.), 336.
  • Bingham, Judge Robert, brings out Courier Journal for wom. suff, 208.
  • Bird, Mrs. Charlotte Sumner, 280-1-2; 301.
  • Bishop, Emily Montague, 702.
  • Bissell, Emily P, 103; in N. H, 401.
  • Black, Gov. James D. (Ky.), 213.
  • Blackwell, Alice Stone, 30; natl. and State officer, work in Mass, 267 et seq; 281; 393; N. H, 400; N. J, 414, 424; 441; Okla, 525; Ore, 540, 544; R. I, 565-6, 571; S. C, 579; Vt, 654, 661, 682
  • Blackwell, Rev. Antoinette Brown, in Mass, 272; birthday, 280; see N. J, chap, 412.
  • Blackwell, Dr. Emily S, 415.
  • Blackwell, Henry B, 30; memorial in Del, 88; 198; 204; memorial in Md, 250; work in Mass, 267 et seq; birthday, 271; memorial in