Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 6.djvu/904

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  • Iowa, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, campaign; see St. chapter, 181.
  • Ireland, Archbishop, for wom. suff, 317.
  • Irish, Col. John P, in Calif, 48; Towa, 188.
  • Italy, organizes for wom. suff, efforts with Parliament, civil rights granted, 797.
  • Ivins, William M, 485.
  • Ivins, Mrs. William M, 446; 448.


  • Jackson, Alice Day, 308.
  • Jacobs, Dr. Aletta, in S. Africa, 768; work in Netherlands, 783; 785; in Hungary, 793; at Berlin conf, 810; 815; brings Alliance to Amsterdam, 818; address, 820; presents Chinese banner, 849; 852.
  • Jacobs, Pattie Ruffner, work in Ala, see St. chapter, 3; in Miss, 333; N. C, 492; West Va, 601.
  • James, Ada L, 701-2; 704-5, 707-8.
  • Jameson, Mrs. Ovid B, 172.
  • Janney, Dr. O. Edward, 249; 250-1.
  • Janney, Mrs. O. Edward, 254; 263.
  • Japan, prospect for wom. suff, 803.
  • Jeffreys-Myers, Dr. Annice, 538-9; 540-1.
  • Jenks, Agnes M, work in N. H, 403-4; 410; R. I, 560, 571; Vt. 662.
  • Jennings, Mrs. Chester, 16; 22.
  • Johnson, Adelaide, 450.
  • Johnson, Gov. Hiram (Calif.), elected, 36; has suff. amend. submitted, fails to speak for it, 37; 57.
  • Johnston, Mary, in R. I, 568; Tenn, 508, 608-9; Va, 655; 668-9; West Va, 687, 698.
  • Johnston, Ch. Justice William A, 197-8.
  • Johnston, Mrs. William A, work in Kans, see St. chapter, 193.
  • Jones, U. S. Sen. Andrieus A, 435.
  • Jones, Anna Maxwell, 90; 631.
  • Jones, Dr. Effie McCollum, in Iowa, 187; Minn, 321; N. H, 406; West Va, 602.
  • Jones, Dr. Harriet B, work in West Va, see St. chapter, 687.
  • Jones, Jenkin Lloyd, 148.
  • Jones, Rosalie Gardiner, 89; 356; 364; 376; 308; organizes suff. "hikes," 451.
  • Jordan, David Starr, helps wom. suff. in Calif, 29, 31, 34.
  • Jordan, Secy. of State, Frank, 50.
  • Jus Suffragii, official organ Intl. Alliance, begun, 817; moved to London, 853; during the war, 854, 865.


  • Kansas, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, campaign, see St. chapter, 193.
  • Kearney, Belle, in Md, 256; work in Miss, 326 et seq; in Tenn, 596; 812.
  • Keith, Mary McHenry (Mrs. William), work in Calif, see St. chapter, 27 et seq; contributions, 32-35; 45; 51-2.
  • Keith, William, gives picture to suff. bazaar, 28; 29; paints portrait of Miss Anthony, 32.
  • Keller, Dr. Amelia, 171-2-3.
  • Kelley, Florence, in Calif, 36; Ga, 123; Md, 253; N. Y, 443, 456; Vt, 660; Wis, 702.
  • Kelly, Dr. Howard, 263.
  • Kelly, Marion Booth, 282; 654.
  • Kendall, Dr. Sarah A, 673; 682.
  • Kenney, Annie (Gt. Brit.), speaks in Nev, 398; in Germany, 790.
  • Kenny, Mrs. John M, see Tenn. chapter, 506; 616; work for ratification, 619.
  • Kent, Mrs. Carrie E, 105-6.
  • Kent, U. S. Rep. and Mrs. William, in Del, 103; in Nev, 3
  • Kentucky, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, see St. chapter, 207.
  • Ketcham, Emily Burton, 303.
  • Keyes, Gov. Henry W. (N. H.), 406.
  • Kilbreth, Mary G, in Tenn, 621.
  • Kimball, Martha S, 403-4-5; 409-10.
  • Kimber, Helen, 193-4.
  • Kimbrough, Mrs. D. T, 599; 600-1; poll tax refused, 616.
  • King, Dr. Cora Smith, see Wash. chapter, 673; see Eaton.
  • Kirby, U. S. Sen. W. F, 21, 24.
  • Klatschken, Martha, 416; 452-3.
  • Koch, Dr. Margaret, 318-19-20-22.
  • Kollock, Alice G; see Fla. chapter, 113.
  • Kramers, Martina G, intl. secy, 811; edits official paper, 817; report of conf. in Amsterdam, 818; 837; Alliance thanks, 854.
  • Krog, Gina, work in Norway, 774; 815; 823; 848; 857.


  • Labor party (Gt. Brit.), on wom. suff, 730; women support, 737; in Manitoba, 754.