Page:History of Woman Suffrage Volume 6.djvu/905

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  • Labriola, Prof. Teresa (Italy), 797-8; 813.
  • Laddey, Clara S, in Mich, 309; work in N. J, see St. chapter, 412; Wis, 701.
  • LaFollette, Fola, 347.
  • LaFollette, U. S. Sen. Robert M, 708.
  • LaFollette, Mrs. Robert M, speaks in Md, 251; in R. I, 572.
  • Lagerlöf, Selma, assists wom. suff. in Sweden, 781, 783; 839, 843; great speech, 844; 847.
  • Laidlaw, James Lees, in Calif, 46; pres. Natl. Men's Suff. League, 62; 126; in Mont, 364; Nev, 387; N. Y, ie 469; work for Men's League, 485.
  • Laidlaw, Mrs. James Lees, in Calif, 46; Mont, 364; Nev, 387; N. Y, 450, 462, 464, 475-6-7; 488.
  • Lamar, Mrs. ea a 138-9.
  • Langhorne, Orra, 66
  • Langley, U. S. Rep. John W. (Ky.), 213.
  • Larch-Miller, Aloysius, 536.
  • Lathrop, Julia C, chief Federal Children's Bureau, 112.
  • Laughlin, Gail, work in Calif, 30, 39, 49; Colo, 61; Minn, 318; Mont, 360-1; Neb, 369, 370-1; Nev, 308; Ore, 540-1, 543.
  • Lawrence, Mrs. Pethick (Great Brit.), 208; 704; 790; 868.
  • Laws, for women and children much improved, I.
  • Lawther, Anna B, 184; 187.
  • Lea, U. S. Sen. Luke, 603; 606; 608.
  • Leach, Antoinette D, 167; 169.
  • League of Nations, attitude toward of Intl. Wom. Suff. Alliance, 870-1.
  • League of Women Voters, organized, chairmen, see each St. chapter near close.
  • Leckenby, Ellen S, 673-4.
  • Leech, Mrs. James A, 2185.
  • Legislatures, action on wom. suff, listed in each St. chapter; women members, see Officers.
  • Leighty, Mrs. John R, 348; 352; 357-8-9.
  • Lenroot, U. S. Sen. Irvine L, 708.
  • Leonard, Gertrude Halliday, 282; 285-6-7;
  • Leser, Judge ie Oseal (Md.), 261.
  • Leslie Woman Suffrage Commission, assists Ala, 5; Me, 243; Vt, 660; West Va, 692; Intl. Suff. Alliance, 869.
  • Lewis, Mrs. George Howard, contribution, 444; 456.
  • Lewis, Mrs. Lawrence, 109.
  • Lexow, Caroline, 456; 487.
  • Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony, 87, 253, 418.
  • Lindemann, Anna (Germany), 837; report of Alliance cong. in Stockholm, 846; Budapest, 850, 854; Geneva, 860, 869.
  • Lindsey, Judge Ben, in Kans, 108; Mass, 276; Wash, 678.
  • Lindsey, Gov. Washington E. (N. M.), 436; 438.
  • Lindsey, Mrs. Washington E, see N. Mex. chapter, 434, 436.
  • Lindsey, Mrs. Z. T, 373-4-5.
  • Lippitt, U. S. Sen. Henry F, 569.
  • Liquor interests, opposed to wom. suff. in Ariz, 10, 14; Calif, 27; Fla, 119; Ills, 154, 158, 163; Iowa, 188-9; Kans, 203; Ky, 210; Md, 261; Mass, 293; Mich, 307-89; Minn, 325; Mont, 365; Neb, 376; Nev, 304; N. J, 424-5; N. Y, 483; N. Dak, 506; Ohio, 510-11, 513; work with women "antis," 513. 515, 519; Okla, 524; Ore, 543; Penn, 561; S. Dak, 586; Wis, 703, 708.
  • Livermore, Mrs. Arthur L, in Md, 265; N. H, 407; N. Y, 448, 468, 476.
  • Livermore, Mary A, see Mass. chapter, 267 et seq; pres. from 1893; birthday, 268; tribute to Mr. Blackwell; death, 271; memorial in N. J, 414; Vt, 652.
  • Livingston, Deborah Knox, work in Me, 238-9, 242-3; N. H, 405; West Va, 689.
  • Lloyd George, action on wom. suff. in Gt. Brit, 733, 736. 744: receives deputation, has bill drafted, 745.
  • Lockwood, Belva A, 105; 250; 700.
  • Lodge, U. S. Sen. Henry Cabot, anti suff. work in N. H, 406, 408.
  • Loines, Mary H, 454.
  • London, Mary Parke, 6.
  • Lord, Eliza H, 253.
  • Lore, Ch. Justice Charles B, 88.
  • Lore, Emma, 88-9.
  • Louisiana, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, Southern Conf, see State chapters, 216, 226.
  • Low, Seth, ignores women, 107.
  • Lowden, Gov. Frank C. (Ills.), 162; 164.
  • Ludington, Katharine, see Conn. chapter, 74; issues manifesto, 77; Interviews Natl. Com. Chmn. Hays, 78; 82; in N. H, 657.
  • Luxemburg, grants wom. suff, 788.