Page:History of Zoroastrianism.djvu/74

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In addition to a specific virtue that each represents on the spiritual side, a material object is put under his or her direct guardianship on the physical side This physical aspect of their functions is most marked in the later period. Its origin, however, can be traced in the Gathas where we find a beginning already made of associating some one material creation with every one of them. We shall now deal with them individually.

Vohu Manah

The first in Ahura Mazda's creation. When Ahura Mazda was with none beside him, in his supreme isolation, he evolved in his mind the thought of creating the universe. He named his first creation after his mind and called him Vohu Manah, Good Mind[1] Zarathushtra fondly speaks of him as Ahura Mazda's son.[2] He is often addressed in the Gathas in the superlative as Vahishta Manah, Best Mind.[3] Occasionally, Vohu Manah is converted into Vohu Mainyu, Good Spirit[4] or Vahishta Mainyu, Best Spirit.[5] It has to be noted that Vohu Mainyu or Vahishta Mainyu has nothing in common with Spenta Mainyu or the Holy Spirit, the first of the two Primeval Spirits of Ahura Mazda.

Vohu Manah is Ahura Mazda's Good Thought. The ethical system of Zarathushtra has the triad of good thoughts, good words, and good deeds as its basis Good words and good deeds proceed from good thoughts and good thoughts are inspired in man by Vohu Manah. In all his waking hours man thinks and thinks incessantly He thinks useful thoughts and wise thoughts and great thoughts and wholesome thoughts and kindly thoughts and virtuous thoughts and good thoughts. But he thinks also idle thoughts and foolish thoughts and mean thoughts and malicious thoughts and cruel thoughts and vicious thoughts and evil thoughts The mind soars high and wings its way in the realm of righteousness or it sinks low and grovels in the mire of wickedness. Man thinks thoughts, but thoughts make man. Thoughts make him a human being, a saint, and an angel; and thoughts

  1. Ys. 44. 4.
  2. Ys. 31. 8; 45. 4.
  3. Ys. 28. 9; 31. 4, 7; 32. 6, 11; 33. 9; 47. 1; 50. 1, 4; 51. 4.
  4. Ys. 45. 5; 48. 8.
  5. Ys. 33. 6.