Page:History of Zoroastrianism.djvu/75

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make him an animal, a sinner, and a demon. Man is thought materialized in word and deed. Vohu Manah is the ideal that man as a thinking being has to realize.

Vohu Manah symbolizes Ahura Mazda's wisdom. Man thinks but he reasons besides, and his reasoning raises him above the level of the animal world. The Gathas employ khratu and chisti to designate wisdom. They do not, however, classify wisdom as the later Avesta distinguishes the innate wisdom from the acquired wisdom. The loftiest ideal for man upon earth is to be like unto Ahura Mazda and it is through the wisdom of Vohu Manah that man can realize it.[1] Zarathushtra invokes Ahura Mazda to grant him the wisdom of Vohu Manah,[2] and longs to be acquainted with the decrees of Vohu Manah.[3] He desires to know to whom among his followers will the wisdom of Vohu Manah descend.[4] The wise man of good understanding performs deeds that are pleasing to Vohu Manah.[5] The enlightenment that Vohu Manah gives enables the devout to practise the doctrines of weal and woe.[6] They pray for thoughts to turn where wisdom abides.[7] Mazda is implored to fulfil the desires of the wise who are devoted to Vohu Manah.[8]

Vohu Manah's grace. Zarathushtra adores Vohu Manah with songs of praise,[9] and teaches his followers to offer him praise.[10] He asks Ahura Mazda to teach him how best he could inspire men to the deeds of Vohu Manah.[11] He tells his heavenly father that he will always work for the furtherance of the domain of Vohu Manah,[12] and adds that as long as he has strength left in him he will, in union with Vohu Manah, lead mankind on the path of righteousness.[13] He implores Ahura Mazda to come down to him through Vohu Manah.[14] Through Vohu Manah does the prophet long to reach Ahura Mazda,[15] and through the performance of the deeds pleasing unto Vohu Manah does he long to glorify and reach his maker.[16] Pouruchisti is advised to seek Vohu Manah's fellowship.[17] The devout seek to propitiate Vohu Manah to win his kinship.[18] Ahura Mazda is besought by them to be the revealer of Vohu Manah

  1. Ys. 48. 3.
  2. Ys. 28. 1.
  3. Ys. 48. 9.
  4. Ys. 48. 11.
  5. Ys. 34. 10.
  6. Ys. 34. 7.
  7. Ys. 30. 9.
  8. Ys. 28. 10.
  9. Ys. 28. 3.
  10. Ys. 30. 1.
  11. Ys. 48. 8.
  12. Ys. 28. 11.
  13. Ys. 28. 4.
  14. Ys. 28. 6.
  15. Ys. 28. 2.
  16. Ys. 50. 9, 10.
  17. Ys. 53. 3.
  18. Ys. 45. 9.