Page:History of the German people at the close of the Middle Ages vol1.djvu/283

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POPULAR POETRY 271 gogue. Next comes the Church, surrounded by the symbolical olive branches, and Justice holding in her hand the scales and sword. On the right of the Church stands the Pope with his ecclesiastics ; on her left the Emperor with his warriors and vassals, whose submission he claims ; ' for,' so writes the historian, ' all the world was tributary to the Eoman Empire.' This had been accomplished by the courage of the forefathers, but forfeited by their descendants, who now wished to re-establish the universal sovereignty and oblige the kings and vassals to pay tribute to the Emperor. The Kings of Greece and Jerusalem bowed to the imperial power, but the King of France only submitted after many battles, whereupon the Emperor, as acknowledged chief of all Christendom, triumphs, and, together with the pagan King of Babylon, lays the crown and sword in the temple of the Lord in Jeru- salem, singing, ' Graciously take what I bring Thee, King of kings ; Thine be the power ; only through Thee do we reign. Thou alone art Master of all.' But the arch-enemy of Christianity arose in Jeru- salem ; Antichrist appeared, attended by Hypocrisy and Heresy. ' On thee,' he said to Hypocrisy, ' shall my work be founded ; and thou,' turning to Heresy, ' slialt nurture its growth by annihilating the clergy for me.' Both in turn assure him of their services. ' The Church has long tottered,' sings Hypocrisy. ' Vanity has long held her grasp on Mother Church. Whence the lavish- ness of bedecked men? God loves not worldly pre- lates. The 1 1 »yal heads are assuming extreme power.' 'Through our timely advice you will soon govern the whole earth we have led the laity to be favourably disposed towards you. Now you will destroy the