Page:History of the German people at the close of the Middle Ages vol1.djvu/284

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272 HISTORY OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE teaching of the priests.' Antichrist begins his work with the words, ' At last I am born, after lying so long conceived under the heart of the Church. I shall be raised up and subdue power. I shall set aside the old and dictate the new.' The throne of Antichrist is seen reared in the very temple of the Lord ; the Church in ignominy and distress flies to the Pope. Antichrist summons each of the kings to do him homage. The Kin^s of France come forward with their allegiance, and he stamps his initials upon their foreheads. The German king, to whom he sends presents, spurns his ambassadors and war is the result, in which the Ger- man troops conquer. Antichrist changes his tactics and tries the influence of superstition. He cures one who was apparently lame, heals a pretended leper, raises a man supposed to be dead, and by this means wins over the Germans. The Emperor on bended knees offers him his throne, flatters him, and receives his crown back from Antichrist. With the assistance of the Germans, Antichrist conquers the King of Baby- lon and orders the crucifixion of the Jews, who had at first acknowledged him, but .who had been converted by Enoch and Elias to belief m Jesus crucified. The power of Antichrist has passed the limits of his dominion, and from the heights he thus proclaims his own glory : ' Here is the fulfilment of my prophets, my kindred, and those who had my rights at heart. This is the glory which they have so long prepared for me. Those who are worthy shall enjoy it with me ; after the de- struction of the audacious whom vanity has blinded, safety and peace will be secured to all.' Suddenly the rolling thunder announces the Judg- ment. Antichrist is hurled from his throne, the hypo-