Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/549

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CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 505 his fleet is defeated by Tristan de la Vega, and he is in consequence compelled to raise the siege. C.I573. S. 1495. H. 981. The king of Achin having formed an alliance with the queen of Japara in Java, again attacks Malacca. C. 1574. S. 1496. II. 982. Manila is attacked by the Chinese rover Lima- hon, and nearly taken. The queen of Japara, with an army of fifteen thousand men, and a fleet of forty-five great junks, attacks Malacca, and, after a siege of three months, is compelled to retire. C. 167 . S. 1497. H.083. The king of Achin again besieges Malacca with a greater force than at any former period, and when on the eve of taking the town, which is defended by no more than one hundred and fifty men, is sud- denly panic struck, and retires with precipitation. Don Francisco la Sande, governor of the Philip- pines. C. 1578. S. 1500. H. 986. Nov. 14th. — The English, under Sir Francis Drake, make their first appearance in the Archipe- lago, touching at the islands of Ternate and Java. C. 1580. S. 150^2. H.988. Don Gonzalo Ronquillo, governor of the Philip, pines.