Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/550

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.>0() CHitONOLOGICAL TABLE. Bab Ullali, king of Ternate, visits Macassar, and recommends the Mahomedan religion to the inhabitants. The island of Butung is subdued by Bab Ullah, king of Ternate. C. 1581. S. 1503. H. 9S9. Baber, king of Ternate, captures the Portu- guese fortress, and puts an end to the Portuguese dominion in that island. The kingdom of Portugal being united to that of Spain, on the death of Don Sebastian and Don Henry, its Indian dominions fall under the power of the latter. C. 1582. S. 1504^. H. 990. The king of Achin makes one more unsuccess- ful attack upon Malacca. The Spaniards, from the Philippines, make an unsuccessful attack on the Moluccas. C. 1584. S. 1506. H. 99^. Don Santiago de Vera, governor of the Philip- pines. C. 1585. S. 1507. H. 993. The Spaniards, from the Philippines, send an- other unsuccessful expedition against the Moluccas. Mansur Shah, king of Achin, his queen, and many of the principal nobility, are murdered by the commander-in-chief of the army. The grand- 10