Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/577

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CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 533 humiliation, and of their political errors in the ma- nagement of Java. Speelman captures Surabaya from Truna Jaya and the Macassars. C. 1677. J. 1600. H. 1086. Anayit Shah, queen of Achin, ascends the throne. The Dutch, at the instigation of the Bugis kings of Boni and Sopeng, make war on Macassar, and depose the king, raising in his room his brother, Mapa Dulang. The deposed king of Goa Macassar is taken into custody, and transported for Batavia, but dies on his passage thither. C. 1678. J. 1601. H. 1087. Ryklof Van Goens, governor-general of the Dutch Indies. The war which commenced in Java in 1675 still continues. The Dutch and Susunan attack Kadiri, the residence of Truna Jaya, and capture it, with much treasure. September 21. — Don Juan de Vargas, governor of the Philippines. C. 1679. J. 1602. H. 1088. Truna Jaya is taken prisoner, and put to death by the Susunan with his own hands, his courtiers joining in the murder. C. 1680. J. 1603. H. 1089. The western portion of the island of Madura is