Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/578

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534* CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. given by the Susunan, on the death of Truna Jaya to Chakra Ningrat, and the eastern to Machan Wulan. 1 he people of the west coast of Sumatra rebel, and are subdued by a large force sent from Bata- via. April S5. — The Susunan Mankgorat and the Dutch attack Giri, the principality of the spiri- tual chief of that name, defeat him, and puts him- self andhis relations to death. The Susunan changes the seat of government, and fixes upon Cartasura for the new capital. November I7. — ThePangeran Pugur surrenders himself to his brother the Susunan at Ampel. C. 1681. J. 160^. H. 1090. The Dutch defeat and kill the rebel Nimrod, a fugitive slave from Batavia, who had long disturbed the peace of Java. The sultans of Cheribon place themselves and their country under the protection of the Dutch. A new war breaks out in the Moluccas, which ends in the seizure of the king of Ternate, and his transportation to Batavia. Cornelius Speelman, governor-general of the Dutch Indies. The Dutch interfere in the quarrel of the ex- sultan and reigning sultan of Bantam. C. ^6S^2. J. 1605. H. 1091. Ambassadors arrive at Mataram from Jehor