Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/599

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CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 555 accompanied by violent shocks of earthquakes, takes place in the Philippines, by whicii a number of vil- lages are laid in ruins, and many lives destroyed. C. 175.5. J. 1680. H. 1165. January 1. — The governor-generalof the Dutch Indies issues a code of sumptuary laws, in one hundred and twenty -three aiHicles, The Spaniards of the Philippines, under the priest Ducos, are successful in checking the in- roads of the neighbouring native states on the Phi- lippines. The Dutch and Susunan, despairing of any suc- cess against Mangkubumi in the field, negociate with him to arrest his conquests, and cede to him one half of the kingdom of the latter, under the title of sultan. The Dutch, the Susunan, and the newly created sultan, pursue Mangkunagoro, and defeat him in a variety of petty actions. C. 1756. J. 168I. H. II67. The new sultan of Java fixes his capital at Yug- yacarta, in the province of Mataram. C. 1757. J. 168^2. H. 1168. Mangkunagoro, eluding the pursuit of his ene- mies, attacks the sultan's capital in his absence, and plunders it. The confederated Dutch and Javanese find them- selves compelled to negociate with Mangkunagoro, and he comes to terms on receiving an hereditary