Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 2.djvu/600

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556 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. estate of four thousand families, which event puts an end to a war of eleven years standing, which, for distinction's sake, is usually called the second war of Java. The Chinese are finally expelled from the Phi- lippines, in conformity to the royal edict, and the temporary residence of the traders from China only tolerated. C. 1759. J. 1084. H. 1170. June 1. — Senor Espeleta, bishop of Zebu, pro- visional governor of the Philippines. C. 1760. J. 1685. H. 1171. Ala ed-din Mahomed Shah ascends the throne of Achin. The French, under the Com])te d'Estaing, de- stroy the whole of the English settlements on the west coast of Sumatra. C. 1761. J. 1686. H. 117^. Don Manuel Roxo, archbishop of the Philip- pines, provisional governor of these islands. Peter Albert Van der Parra, governor-general of the Dutch Indies. C. 1762. J. 1688. H. 1174. September 22.- — The British, under Brigadier- general Draper and Admiral Cornish, arrive at the Philippines, with a considerable naval and military expedition, and deniand the surrender of the islands, which being refused, they commence mili- tary operations.